Time To Full Points Without Playing Yet

spghttihead Posts: 74 Match Maker
On the current Venom Heroic my open nodes are showing a 24 minute timer until full points even though I haven't played them at all, 0/6 rewards. Was going to try and play one to see what happens but didn't want it to start decreasing the points before I even play.


  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    This happens to me too sometimes. Just force-close the app, and restart it. The timers should go away. It seems like the MPQ internal clock gets messed up sometimes. Restarting the game fixes it every time for me.

    Aside from PVE timers, you can also see events not starting yet when you know they should be (like Lightning Rounds saying they will start in 20 min. when you know they should be starting at the top of the hour), or characters showing that they have much longer to recover until they are back to full health.