Needs something to work toward

Ryudhyn Posts: 59 Match Maker
Currently, since only the top few winners of Quick Play get anything relevant (crystals or packs) I have stopped caring about Quick Play. I can never win anything good unless I grind out games for a full 24 hours, so it's not really worth it to play.
On top of this, I can only get crystals every few days (once from daily rewards, and a couple times from Events). The events are fine, except that after a day of grinding it, I've won all those prizes and I can't get close to winning the competitive prizes (just like quick battle).

This structure leads me to only playing once or twice a week, and then ignoring the game except for daily rewards. Plus, since drop rates are so low, even after so many dailys I still get little new to build with.

This could be fixed by allowing another way to reliably get crystals by playing. My idea is every 10 (ish) quick battles you win, you get a crystal (or more). This makes me actively have something to look forward to and guage my success, even if I can't win the whole thing.