Need a way to preview effect of spending ISO to level up

Leugenesmiff Posts: 401 Mover and Shaker
Hi. I just want to suggest that it would be very helpful if we had a way to see what a character's health would be and how much more powerful their powers would be if we put X amount of ISO into leveling them before having to commit that ISO. The new option to see how different cover levels effects powers is helpful and I think this would be even more so.
More often than not I have quite a few characters that I could level up and only enough ISO to level up one or maybe two. It's difficult to decide who to spend it on when the results would put a character at a much higher level but still not close to max and so the resulting power levels aren't listed anywhere, especially for characters who aren't fully covered. Sometimes adding 80,000 ISO to one character leaves you with someone not as dramatically better than adding half that to another would do, but as of now there's no way to tell without actually spending the ISO. Enough ISO to really make a difference can take quite some time for a lot of us to gather. A way to see where it could be put to the best use would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and keep up the great work.