Extension of weird wave end graphical bug

hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
Okay, so we've all seen the base bug: You kill the last member of a wave with an AE or cascade, and before it dies, its portrait is replaced with someone from the NEXT wave, and then once it dies, the new wave spawns. It's annoying and confusing, but not technically a big deal as it doesn't REALLY affect anything mechanically.

However, I've noticed a really weird interaction with Ant-Man specifically, though I imagine it could happen to anyone with countdown tiles that deal damage. What happens is essentially the same except that I deal damage to the final member of wave, they DO NOT die, but their portrait still changes to someone from the next wave. My turn ends, they take a turn, looking like the wrong person, then my turn starts, "Ants! Ants! Ants!" kills them, and then they are replaced by the new wave. I realize that this is still sort of the same bug, because the game knew my tiles would kill them, so in cpu-land, they're sort of already dead, but it's far more weird to see a Muscle use a "Strength in Numbers" tile to damage me before this all occurs (actually happened).

BUT WAIT! It gets even weirder. I had one match where, I dealt damage, they didn't die, but their portrait changed, they took a turn (I think a tile just counted down 1), my turn started, "Ants! Ants! Ants!" went off, DID NOT KILL THEM, then, as the tiles began to expire, and the countdown tiles were removed, it caused a cascade from tiles that newly fell from the top and THAT killed them, triggering the new wave. Now, again, I understand that the computer already knows the next umpteen tiles to fall because it's all generated from a string of pseudo-random numbers, so it actually KNEW that the cascade would occur, so AGAIN, the mob was already dead in cpu-land, but holy ****! To an average user, it really looks like the game just predicted the future.

I'm okay with the original bug (though it'd be great if it could be solved), but if you could at least limit the bug to only occur when the last member dies as a direct result of your in-turn actions instead of random **** that'll happen before your next turn begins, that'd be really nice.