Game freezing in a different way (at match start)

hesjingixen Posts: 215 Tile Toppler
I realize that there is already a thread about the game crashing, but this (at least for me) is different. Back when the freezing first occurred, I saw the same symptoms that everyone else did, where it would randomly freeze in the middle of the 2* node in DDQ, but now it's happening differently.

What has been happening to me since R106 (and is continuing to happen in R107) is that basically as soon as the match begins, the game is frozen. Basically, the initial gems all fall into place, and then before I can make a move or change targets, the game freezes, and the only way I can resolve it is to "close all" to crash the game (of course resulting in a loss and spending of health packs). I have noticed that it seems to happen more often when my first action in the match is to try to change targets, but I think it has happened at least once where I was just trying to make a move.