Is Devour in Flames causing the red lockup?

shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards ... e=58558BEE

Just had this lockup playing against Koth. What was interesting is that he filled up his entire hand of 6 cards with mana, and the lockup happened at this point. Koth played the 2 creatures you see, then a Sword of the Animist, and then the game locked up the way it usually does (Gameplay didn't progress, but I was able to quit the game from the pause menu).

So I wondered if it might be a specific card causing the problem? One of my friends suggested it could be Devour in Flames, and it sounds like a likely candidate. It's cheap (I noticed that Koth had just filled up 2 1/2 cards with mana [edit]on turn 1[/edit] on my last crash before this one), it's introduction into the game is when the lockups started occuring, and it has a pretty unique ability for a spell, giving mana to your opponent.


  • Reaganstorme
    Reaganstorme Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    Hey! That's not a bad thought.


    I don't think I've seen it resolve from an opponent, but I've certainly included it in my deck lists.
  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    I've used/mastered this card without having a freeze during my turns. That's not to say the AI code handles it differently though.
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    Plastic wrote:
    I've used/mastered this card without having a freeze during my turns. That's not to say the AI code handles it differently though.

    I think that's exactly it, tho, it's a card that players have been playing with no problems themselves, but for some reason the code for the AI playing it has a problem. That could be why no-one has thought of this card before, because it's always worked fine for them.
  • tm00
    tm00 Posts: 155 Tile Toppler
    I noticed that both times it locked up it was after the opponent filled a very cheap spell that had to cost 3 or less, so it might be the culprit.

    Once it filled 2 cards and half with 5 mana, so I suspected a 2 mana spell.

    It is also a card that pve enemies don't play.
  • shteev
    shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
    tm00 wrote:
    It is also a card that pve enemies don't play.

    Yeah, I haven't had a lockup in ages because I've not been playing QB, just the PvP Event, PvE Events, and Story mode. And then this morning when I restarted playing QB I got 2 lockups within no time.
  • Deus422
    Deus422 Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
    Huh, you're right, Ive never seen the computer actuall cast devour either.