D3, Please Don't Stop Improving Older Characters.

MarcusGraves Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
edited August 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Every now and then I make a post like this to hopefully have some level of impact on the community to all try and light a fire under the dev's butts to keep going back and brushing up the older characters with clunkier designs. This has ALWAYS been my major gripe with the balance/design team, extremely slow to buff, quick to nerf (sometimes in the oddest ways) and first priority is to just release something new.

Now to be fair, the last time I did a post like this it included IM40 and QuickSilver who have both received changes that now make them desirable characters to own instead of you going, "I think I'm going to vomit" when you pulled their covers. With that said, a lot of what I'm about to list is really just simple number or effect tweaking that makes you go "holy ****, just do it already and have it ready for next patch".

-GSBW: Pistol is overpriced for it's effect, always has been, reduces the cost increase or no cost increase at all.

-Doc Oc: Blue should be 10 instead of 11 AP, Black should make the 2 attack tiles at rank 3 not 4, Green cost lowered to 9, remove the green AP steal, make it buff 2 friendly special tiles instead of 1, this guy becomes super fun and done.

-Gamora: More damage to Green, lower black cost to 10 AP, see what happens from there.

-Hulk: Surprised to see this guy? shouldn't be, Smash is trash because it drains 10 precious green AP from your pool on top of the 14 red cost and you don't even get more damage unless you have leftover green after the draining of 10, extremely high cost for a very low yield. Either a rework is needed or the AP drain needs to removed/lowered.

-Psylocke: Blue Probably just needs a cost reduction to 8/9 or keeping the cost and splitting up the AP steal in some way to hit 2 pools instead of just 1, kinda like a She-Hulk green expect more expensive and steals instead of drain.

-Sentry: Too much is wrong with this guy to write out and I'm not just talking mentally, one of the few characters that needs an actual reworking.

IW: IW feels so close to actually not being a suckfest that it's kinda funny and problem I think is really just her green. Why would you ever use her green to make random lock tiles for 12 AP and not even get any damage for it, a completely USELESS extra effect, it needs to become something where you can get some kind of damage return even with no lock tiles out and possibly even have a cost reduction effect like QS where it becomes little cheaper with lock tiles out.

TA Hulk: Trash to the can bad, practically universally hated expect for the strange few that for whatever reason like him, either way I think the community would take either a rework or just number tweaks in some way.

-Why didn't I list (insert character name)?

This wasn't so much of a suggestion post (if it was I'd of placed it in the post deathtrap known as the suggestions section) as it was a post to encourage and make a point that while D3 has done some good with a few character changes, they still need to pick up the pace and not take half a year to a year to adjust one character that really just needs some tweaking.

Trust me when I also say that I am well aware the bulk of their income comes from the interest of a new character coming out and that's what they obviously funnel most of the development into, but how they treat over time balancing of the game feels like some kinda weekened project you'll do when you feel like it.


  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Counter point: how about just releasing more 5*'s instead?
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I defer on the 4*. I don't have enough experience to comment.

    On the 3*, I mostly agree with a few exceptions.

    Hulk - I think he needs a rework. Thematically, the green should do AoE, and the red should be a hard nuke. I think it's appropriate that you need to choose between the two, but I think the shake vs direct damage isn't sufficient for a character of that magnitude. I'd call it "gut feeling" except that I have him champed and don't use him outside boosts. He's my favorite character, but I never use him. (Also, really sucks that his 4* champ rewards are for the worst character in the game).

    Gamora - I agree that her green should produce more damage. I don't think her black needs a boost. If she gets it off, it's pretty devastating as it is. If OML is the benchmark, she's not in bad shape. It takes one more match, and her values are about half, but she's 2 tiers below him.

    Psylocke - I think her blue needs to be reimagined entirely. Taking out one random pool of AP is a **** shoot. It's never been useful. I say either make the drain targetable to a color (maintaining the countdown tile) or rework it into a special tile boost.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    lol this is a suggestion. and should be moved to the wasteland.
  • wirius
    wirius Posts: 667
    I agree, but only with trash tier characters.

    Let me explain. In every game you are going to develop characters, and some will be better than others. For development purposes, the only ones that make sense for them to improve are those considered trash tier. Trash tier is an absolutely useless character for its star level. No niche, or its completely outclassed by everything else within the same niche. Trash tiers need to be fixed because they are worthless, and people will likely not roster a slot for them.

    Of the 3*s, I wouldn't call any of them trash tier. Its fairly common in 3* land for one power to be fairly bad, while the others are good. Each 3* has their use. At the bottom of the list is probably psylocke, but even then she has the cheapest black out of the 3's and is one of the few that can reliably generate attack tiles. Further, pair here with daken, and she's the cheapest power spammer in the 3* tier.

    I think they fixed the 3* tier. The 4* tier needs work next. Arguably Cho is trash tier, because he has no niche, and underperforms everyone else that shares his niche. Lots of people state they will not roster a slot for him, but they will roster a slot for merely a low tier champ.