End of wave resolution bug

JackTenrec Posts: 808 Critical Contributor
This morning while playing DDQ, I killed the last enemy in the wave with Steve Roger's Star-Spangled Avenger. The enemy was downed and the new wave of enemies appeared, one of whom was 3* Captain Marvel. The first thing I see on the new board is the banner for Energy Absorption (I was so surprised I didn't note whether the enemy Captain Marvel actually took damage or not).


  • Same thing here.
    I confirm however that Captain Marvel triggered Absorption without taking any damage (I have a screen shot if necessary).
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    Same thing here.
    I confirm however that Captain Marvel triggered Absorption without taking any damage (I have a screen shot if necessary).

    This seems to be an ongoing bug, as I encountered it probably 3 or 4 versions ago.