World Breaker / Blighted Fen game stop

UrbanNinja Posts: 66
I'm not 100% certain of the Blighted Fen name or effect, but it's a support that destroys an opponent creature when destroyed.

I had a bunch of World Breaker in my graveyard which got there through Liliana discard ability. I cast a Nissa's Renewal and got 4 more creatures in my hand. I assumed these were the World Breakers, but I'm not 100% certain. I'm pretty sure that I did not discard 4 World Breaker prior to casting the Renewal so this might be a separate bug.

Anyway, with the Renewal mana I managed to get enough for 2 WB. The first one got in the battlefield and destroyed a Blighted Fen which ended up killing it.

Then the game stop. I could not swap anymore and the next WB would not get out of my hand. I could not click on any PW or check my hand either. Cards checkups and supports checkups were disabled too.

I also had a Mirrorpool in play and the opponent had a Hedron Blade left.

What I think happened is that the WB got in, the Blighted Fen killed it before the Mirrorpool triggered. Then the Mirrorpool tried to activate but the target creature was already destroyed. This might be more of a bug regarding Blighted Fen / Mirrorpool