R107 Minion Update: Symbiotes

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited August 2016 in MPQ News and Announcements
Minion Update: Symbiotes

Hi, all. As promised a few days back in the R107 patch notes preview - here's additional details from Demiurge on the new Symbiote balancing:
    "In the R107 platform patch, we updated the Symbiote minion powers. Symbiote minions create a lot of special tiles which created a situation where players could become overwhelmed with Strike, Protect, Attack and Countdown tiles. We’ve re-tuned the powers across the board to create a more even-playing experience across all rosters. In general, Countdown tiles will be slower. We combated this by increasing the cost of their powers or increasing the Countdown duration (sometimes both!) Damage has been adjusted to compensate for this. For more details on the changes, please see below:
    o Symbiote powers are slower and deal less damage.

Symbiote Carrier -
    o Slowed down Spreading Tendrils by increasing AP cost. Increase special tile strength.

Symbiote Horror -
    o Slowed down Precision Slices by increasing the Countdown duration. Decreased Countdown tile damage. o Sped up Symbiote Stalking by decreasing the Countdown duration (to reduce the amount of special tiles that are created). Decreased Countdown tile damage.

Symbiote Mutation -
    o Slowed down Rabid by increasing the AP cost. Increased Countdown tile damage. o Slowed down Bark & Bite by increasing the AP cost. Increased Countdown tile damage. o Decreased damage done by Guard Dog.

Symbiote Demolisher -
    o Slowed down Appetite for Destruction by increasing the AP cost and Countdown duration. Decreased Countdown tile damage. o Decreased the number of tiles converted in Chew the Scenery. Increased Countdown tile damage."

Thank you!