Marvel VS Capcom !!!

kenshohmer2 Posts: 35 Just Dropped In
edited August 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
As a big fan of the Marvel vs Capcom franchise, i would love to see some Street Fighter's characters in MPQ! Here are some few Ideas :
AKUMA / GOUKI star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png


Level 450 : HP: 48835 Tile Damage: 69/592/460/526/63/75/4.2x

Abilities at Max Level

blueflag.pngZankuu Hadoken 7 bluetile.png : Akuma can fire his Hadouken mid-air , over the enemy garde.
does 10K damage and is not affected by enemy protect tiles.

redflag.pngAshua Senku/Warp Passive redtile.png : Akuma can teleport away from his enemy. He doesn’t take
damage from tile match. If health lower than 10 % become Ashua Warp and single power attack does 50% damage less.

purpleflag.pngShun Goku Satsu 14 purpletile.png : Akuma rush on the opponent with his secret deadly technic.
(Raging Demon)
Does 80% damage and destroy 15 random tiles

Ryu star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png


Level 270 : HP: 15450 Tile Damage: 65/12/74/11/13/83/4x

Abilities at max level

blueflag.pngHadouken 8 bluetile.pngRyu thrust his palms forward, sending a surge of spirit energy, flying towards the opponent. Does 5 K damage to the enemy
If Ryu has 13 Blue AP, he perform a Shinku Hadouken, doing 12k damage to the opponent.

blackflag.pngFocus Attack 8 blacktile.pngDuring his focus attack Ryu gains a super armor against enemies attack while preparing his counter attack.
Create a 3-turn CD black tile. While on board, damage on Ryu are provisional until they reach 4K. If the provisional damages are less than 4K when the tile reach 0, Ryu counter attack and does 7K damage. If Provisional damages exceed 4K, destroy the CD tile and all provisional damage are effective on Ryu. Same if CD tile is matched

yellowflag.pngTetsumaki Sempuu Kyaku 10 yellowtile.pngRyu jumps and, while in the air, rotates his legs, kicking the opponents . Does 3 K damage to the enemy team. Can hit airborne character as well.

Zangief star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png


Level 270 : HP: 18650 Tile Damage: 83/74/11/13/65/12/4x

greenflag.pngIron Muscle 7 greentile.pngZangief can take a hit and that lift his spirit and force up Create a 4 turn CD tile. While on the board , damage on Zangief and his teammates are reduce by 50% and generate 2AP of the same color than the enemies match.

redflag.pngFinal Atomic Buster 11 redtile.png Zangief goes behind the opponent and lands a German Suplex, a reverse backbreaker and finish them with a devastating Spinning Piledriver.
Does 9K damage and stun the enemy 3 turn

yellowflag.pngRed Cyclone Passive yellowtile.png You have to pass Zangief before reaching his friends!
If no fortified tile on the board, fortifies 1 random CD tile every turn.

Cammy star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png


Level 270 : HP: 12180 Tile Damage: 11/83/12/13/74/65/4x

greenflag.pngCanon Spike Green 10 greentile.png Cammy tackle her enemy from a great distance.
Does 7K damage to the opponent in the back of the enemy team. Even if invisible or airborne.

redflag.png Delta Red Agent 6 redtile.png Cammy need to steal information from shadowlo, leaving decoy to remain undetected
Steal 3 AP of his strongest color and give 3 AP of his weakest to the opponent.

blackflag.pngGYRO DRIVE SMASHER 13 blacktile.png Cammy Ultra combo, lands several hit leaving the opponent weakened.
Does 10K damage to the target and create a 5-turn CD tiles. While on the board, this opponent does 50% less damage

Chun li star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png


Level 270 : HP: 11980 Tile Damage: 12/74/65/11/13/83/4x

redflag.pngHyakuretsukyaku 9 redtile.png Deadly combo, kicking her target multiple times,sending him mid air with the last blow.Does 3 K damage to the opponent and airborne him.

blackflag.pngSen'en Shuu Passive blacktile.png Chun li jumps higher than her opponent and perform a Stomp Kick on top of her opponent's heads. Does 1.5 K damage every turn to any airborne Opponent

blueflag.png Spinning Bird Kick 8 bluetile.png Her signature move, spin up side down kicking her opponent. Destroy 3 random line doing damage and generate 4 random AP.

Dan Ibiki star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png


Level 270 : HP: 9990 Tile Damage: 13/74/11/65/83/12/4x

redflag.pngGadoken 4 redtile.png Dan learned by himself to replicate the Hadouken. The range is unfortunately short.
Does 1 K damage

Haoh Gadoken 7 greentile.png Time for a Super move! Concentrating all his energy, Dan throw a giant fire ball, but the recoil throw him back.
Does 3.5 K Damage but stun himself for 2 turn.
Taunt (Passive) , Every turn reduce by 40 up to 2 protect,attack or strenght tile

Oyajiiii! passive purpletile.png When defeated , Dan remember his father. The opponent can’t help to feel sorry for him
Stun 1 turn the opponent or teammate that downed Dan.

What do you think?


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