Improved Trouble Ticket Handling and Customer Service

Mary_Poppins Posts: 8
Admins, Mods, etc:

First, kudos for updating the online ticketing system. When I proceeded to place a trouble ticket yesterday I was pleasantly surprised to find you had a form ready to fill out. Unfortunately, it seems it didn't help much.

This is because I was missing two purchases and was required to forward a copy of my Google Play receipts. I would have done so right there if here was a place to attach screen shots or files, but alas there was not. I had to wait 1/2 day to get a reply back so I could forward a copy of the receipts via email, only to find out they were not acceptable.

"Please keep in mind that we are only able to verify purchases using the screenshots for the purchase receipts. We are unable to use any other information in order to confirm these purchases, including copy/pasted text, purchase summaries, or other information from these purchases. Please be sure to send only the PNG or JPEG format receipt screenshots in order to expedite your ticket.

Regarding the receipts, please be sure you are looking for the receipts that were sent to the email associated with your App Store account. We require specific information that is only available from those receipts. The screenshot you provide should include the Purchase Date, the Order ID or Confirmation Number, and the description of the content purchased."

So my purchase receipt email could not: 1. Be forwarded 2. Be in a .pdf format 3. Could not be a copy or paste of the receipt. So I took a screen shot of each receipt from the original email, saved them as .jpg and forwarded them with the ticket.

Question 1: What part of the Google Play receipt do you need to see? The order number? The order date? Please educate me on how you confirm in game purchases and why it has to be in a specific format.

Question 2: What do you use to track trouble tickets? When I forwarded the emails I included the trouble ticket number, but I got an auto email back with a totally different trouble ticket number asking what I was talking about. Does anyone read the tickets?

Question 3: Do you track accounts by the UID, Facebook email address or Google Play email address? I ask because my Facebook email address is different from my Google Play email address, but both attached to my UID and I only use Google Play for purchases. I have not had an issue up until yesterday, and now it seems there is confusion. It's as if I can't get my purchase credited because it's just not the right email address.


1. Allow customers to attach screen shots and error log files in their trouble tickets to stream line the process
2. Cross match incoming trouble tickets and attach them to existing issues if they are still open
3. Track accounts by UID instead of relying upon email addresses.

I invite criticism, suggestion and input to this thread. Let's help make D3 Customer Service better.