*** Karima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel) ***

Bohica666 Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
edited August 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
This is my first attempt at creating a character. I like the idea of having a versatile support character with novelty abilities.

Your input is highy valued, so don't hesitate and comment.

Her blueflag.png Power is unique as far as I know, and could add some use vs icon_daredevil.pngredflag.png , icon_doctordoom.pngpurpleflag.png , icon_antman.pngpurpleflag.png, icon_elektra.pngblackflag.png & redflag.png, icon_nickfury.pngblueflag.png, and icon_x23.pngblueflag.png in PVE/PVP, as well as icon_hand_group.pngKishu redflag.png in PVE. It's relatively cheap in AP cost, but this is because of the very limited usability. The disable of the trap.png just turns it back to a basic tile of the same color. Stealing a trap makes it work as if Karima had placed it in the first place.

Her yellowflag.png Power is not a heal, as I feel there's plenty of them out there, but rather a damage prevention. It only works if she previously was damaged by either a color match or a non Team-Up ability (including AoE abilities). The non-Max Level powers only work the first time after she has received damaged. The Max Level powers stay active for the remainder of the game. This ability has no effect on Team-Up tile matches nor Team-Up abilities, as those sources of damage are considered colorless.
Example: if at Max Level 5 an enemy makes an opening redtile.png 3-match, then for the remainder of the game, any redtile.png 3-match or better, and any redflag.png power used against her would deal 30% less damage to her. This includes Red Strike Tile damage and Red Attack Tile damage.

Her purpleflag.png Power is an ability lockout, rather than an enemy lockout, like a stun, freeze or sending them airborne, which means the enemies can still make tile matches and gain AP. It starts of rather cheap at only 12 purpletile.png, but increases gradually to prevent complete lockout, which would see some huge abuse in PvP. Also note that while at power level 3 and up, you can choose the color of the countdown tile, but if the enemy team has more than one ability of that color, the ability that gets disabled is still chosen randomly. You can however chose 3 countdown tiles in the same color if all enemies have an ability in the same color, disabling all of them, since an ability can only be disabled once. This could be effective against eg Hand Ninjas, which all share Red.

  • Because of the massive impact her yellowflag.png Power could be, she should have 75-80% of average health, putting her above the known glass cannons (she is a sentinel after all), but well below powerhouses.
  • I wanted her to be a 3-star and not a higher tier, because she is a full support character, with no offense abilities (except from tile matches and whatever damage her stolen trap tiles do), which could suit anybody.

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngKarima Shapandar (Omega Sentinel)


Karima Shapandar was once a police officer from India who was transformed into an Omega Prime Sentinel by Bastion of the Operation: Zero Tolerance program. Freed from her programming she joined the X-Men.

Affiliations: Heroes, X-Men, Team Cap

blueflag.pngEnhanced Sensors 7 bluetile.png
Karima’s Omega Sentinel technology allows her to detect the unseen. It allows her to detect an trap tile as if it wasn’t hidden.
Level 2 : Detect 2 traps.
Level 3 : Detects 2 traps, disable 1 random trap.
Level 4 : Detects 3 traps, disable 2 random traps.
Level 5 : Detects all traps, disable 3 random traps.
Max Level 3 : Detects 2 traps, steals 1 random trap.
Max Level 4 : Detects 3 traps, steals 2 random trap.
Max Level 5 : Detects all traps, steals 3 random traps.

yellowflag.pngAdaptive Nano Shifting
Karima’s Omega Sentinel technology allows her to repair any damage she receives, so that she is stronger and more durable than she was before. (Passive) Ignore 10% of all damage done by the color that damaged her last.
Level 2 : Ignore 15% of all damage done by the color that damaged her last.
Level 3 : Ignore 20% of all damage done by the color that damaged her last.
Level 4 : Ignore 25% of all damage done by the color that damaged her last.
Level 5 : Ignore 30% of all damage done by the color that damaged her last.
Max Level 3 : Ignore 20% of all damage done by a color that damaged her before.
Max Level 4 : Ignore 25% of all damage done by a color that damaged her before.
Max Level 5 : Ignore 30% of all damage done by a color that damaged her before.

purpleflag.pngAdaptive Weaponry 12 purpletile.png
Karima’s Omega Sentinel Sentinel technology allows the creation of armaments that can neutralize her opponents powers. A random basic tile becomes a 1-turn countdown tile that disables one enemy ability of that color while active.
Level 2 : A random basic tile becomes a 2-turn countdown tile.
Level 3 : Choose a basic tile to become a 2-turn countdown tile. Costs 3 more.
Level 4 : Choose a basic tile to become a 3-turn countdown tile. Costs 6 more.
Level 5 : Choose 2 basics tile to become 3-turn countdown tiles. Costs 12 more.
Max Level 3 : Choose a basic tile to become a 3-turn countdown tile. Costs 3 more.
Max Level 4 : Choose 2 basics tile to become 3-turn countdown tiles. Costs 6 more.
Max Level 5 : Choose 3 basics tile to become 3-turn countdown tiles. Costs 12 more.


  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    You know, as much as I love 3 stars as the next guy, the developers clearly stated that they're not gonna do 3 stars anymore (milking up the 4 star gravy train for all their money concerns)

    But you know what? Stealing a trap tile should be interesting, even though it can easily be disabled by other characters who will destroy or overwrite the trap tiles. As for locking out a character's ability? Hmm, that sounds like my boss character Mephisto. Wanna trade feedback with each other? I can give you the link to my character speculations.
  • Bohica666
    Bohica666 Posts: 16 Just Dropped In
    I would like very much to have a look at your character speculations and give feedback. Send me the link, and I'l surely have a look.
  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    Bohica666 wrote:
    I would like very much to have a look at your character speculations and give feedback. Send me the link, and I'l surely have a look.

    Here you go! And hey, if you're feeling creative, you can post your version of a boss character in my speculation forum as well!