POLL: Temporarily Disable Koth and Chandra

Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
edited August 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Until this AI freeze thing is fixed, I think most people would rather just not have these PW active.
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  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Since people are voting the third option: When the AI playing Koth and Chandra gets a certain amount of mana/cascade, it'll lock up the game and not play anything even if there are matches still available.

    It's hard to say what factors are happening beyond that since we cannot see what's in their hand, but these are the observations players are making and reporting so far.

    Koth seems to be the more popular red PW for QB and NoP, so maybe disabling them right now would be an issue while events are in progress I suppose. With NoP being very tight in the top of the ladder, 1-2 losses for no reason can be frustrating as it drops people into lower reward brackets through no fault of their own.
  • Morphis
    Morphis Posts: 975 Critical Contributor
    What do you mean?

    If it's AI will not play it, I'm ok with it.
    If it's we cannot play it either, I'm against it.
  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    Morphis wrote:
    What do you mean?

    If it's AI will not play it, I'm ok with it.
    If it's we cannot play it either, I'm against it.

    I don't see how they could enable players using them but not AI only when it comes to NoP. If they can do so that would be the best option honestly.
  • Gideon
    Gideon Posts: 357 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2016
    3 losses in the event for so far = 3 matches against Chandra that locked up. WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED? I know what the Dev team should do. It should just continue to ignore the problem like they've been doing since they first dropped this expansion. The should debug and play test their expansion before they release them so **** like this doesn't happen. What they do is release an expansion and say YAYYYYYYY! We did it now on to the next thing and let's not support, debug , or explain a broken ranking system that changes your rank if you check it at all. BRAVO DEV TEAM BRAVO!
  • Gideon
    Gideon Posts: 357 Mover and Shaker
    For the people who voted to not disable. What the heck are you thinking. The game is broken and your ok with it? That's just hilarious and unbelievable.
  • How about permanently disable Koth?
    That guy is even more OP than Kiora atm...
  • UniQ_77
    UniQ_77 Posts: 23
    I don't experiemce amy freeze or lock up
  • Plastic
    Plastic Posts: 762 Critical Contributor
    There must be some kind of condition that's tied into what cards are in the opponent's hand, but it's definitely a freeze that many players have mentioned in bug forums and in the facebook group page.

    It's not the same as the game freezing like before the recent patch either.