Who to Roster and who to ditch?

CuteLioness Posts: 10
edited August 2016 in Roster and Level Help
Hi there, looking for more Roster help please.

Had the good (or bad?) fortune to pull OML today and wondering what I should do with him. Worried if I roster him it'll affect my levelling. I mainly play PvE but occasionally dip into PvP.

My Roster should be in my sig.

I currently have Ms Marvel rostered for the extra node in the Hulk PvE but plan on ditching her when it's over. In my stand-by covers just now I have waiting (as well as OML redflag.png ) :
Hulk 4* blueflag.png
Iceman 4* greenflag.png
Kate Bishop 4* blueflag.png
Thoress 4* blueflag.png
Drax 4* purpleflag.png
As well as a couple of covers each for Falcon and Squirrel Girl, a Loki, a Captain Marvel, a CBullseye, a DABullseye and loads of DADaken.

Question is who should I replace Ms Marvel with? And should I be trying to roster any of the others? I'm only just over championing all my 2*s and looking to improve my 3* roster but a couple of those 4* covers and that OML look mighty tempting....

Please advise! Thank you icon_mrgreen.gif


  • spatenfloot
    spatenfloot Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
    You should NOT be opening legendary tokens unless you have enough HP to immediately buy a slot for someone new. Most of those 4 stars will go to waste unless you sell some people. You might as well roster OML since you have GG already, but things will probably be pretty difficult for a while until you get a few well covered 3 stars.

    You could sell Psylock, DD, and Colossus to roster OML, 4thor, iceman and maybe Kate after you finish with Marvel. Maybe sell Mystique if you like Daredevil.
  • byc
    byc Posts: 297 Mover and Shaker
    You should try and not open legendary packs for a long time because your roster is not ready to fight at a higher level, and all the 4* and 5* will force you up, and then you'll be unable to progress until you sell those high ones.

    Looking at your current roster, I'd say dump Colossus, Daredevil, Mystique, Psylocke, and/or Spider-Man in that order. I'm not a fan of 3* Spider-Man. 6 covers seem a lot, but once you are fully in the 3* transition, it's not that many relatively speaking.
  • CuteLioness
    Thanks guys. I'm confused though, should I roster OML and the 4stars or not? Is it going to make my game unplayable? I don't want to sell them unless I really have to...
  • Celebane
    Celebane Posts: 14
    I currently have 5* IM blueflag.png and Cap yellowflag.png on my roster and it hasn't hurt me too terribly much. If anything I have them to tank for my lower level 2*s. IM/mnMag/OBW has been a great combination. I will say that I'm not ranking quite as high in PVE as my first couple of events but I think that may be more because I'm in a higher bracket than because of the 5*'s. Having said that, I don't think OML will hurt you too badly since some changes were implemented recently to make single cover 5* not affect scaling as much. If anything you could roster OML and if it hurts you, you can still sell it.

    I don't think the 4*'s are going to hurt you any since you have several 2*'s already champed above them.
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    Ditch Colossus, Quicksilver and Psylocke since they are not that good characters I personally use them only in the low tier battles (except when essential) and replace with OML, Thoress and Iceman at least. Captain Marvel is actually one of the best 2*'s you don't want to get rid of her. When boosted, she is very good and you can also recycle her like other 2*'s too.

    Just my advice.
  • Smudge
    Smudge Posts: 562 Critical Contributor
    Getting to the party late here, but I'll throw in some info for you.

    The new format of PvE is supposed to make it such that a single cover 5*, even at level 255, should not impact your scaling experience nearly as much as what it used to, even with you having GG on the roster. I cannot speak as to how true this is as I am well into the 4* transition and my 5*s have never really affected me, but that was one of the major points the devs tried to address with the PvE changes.

    Adding 4* characters will absolutely not affect your experience at this point. Don't level anything too high in the 4* realm until you have a more solid 3* cast of characters, but level 70 single cover 4*s are going to have zero impact.

    If you want to add any of the 4*s, here is what I would recommend:

    Add OML - this (to me) is a given
    Add 4Thor - this is a given
    Add Iceman - this is a given

    You could add or pass on Kate Bishop. I've heard reports that she is pretty solid, and my experience says the same, but she is not top tier like Thor or Iceman.

    Pass on 4* Hulk (unless it's Rulk).
    Pass on Drax.

    To roster the 3-4 I recommend, I personally would ditch Colossus, Psylocke, Human Torch, and as a possible 4th to get Kate, I would sell Daredevil.

    Every character has a niche, but out of the 3* characters, those 4 aren't really going to help advance your roster. Torch is probably the best of the bunch, but a single green cover isn't going to do much for you right now.

    I would echo that you probably want to hold onto your LTs and CP for now until you are at the point that roster slots aren't going to be a problem. At the bare minimum, don't open any tokens until you have enough Hero Points to pop open another slot to avoid the dilemma of selling characters icon_e_smile.gif
  • CuteLioness
    Thanks for all of this peeps and apologies for not getting back sooner. I have managed to roster all the covers advised, and am now looking at maybe rostering Starlord as I have two redflag.png covers for him (I got rid of two Rhulk before I'd seen this and am kicking myself!). Does anyone think he's any good? His abilities don't seem that powerful/useful...
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for all of this peeps and apologies for not getting back sooner. I have managed to roster all the covers advised, and am now looking at maybe rostering Starlord as I have two redflag.png covers for him (I got rid of two Rhulk before I'd seen this and am kicking myself!). Does anyone think he's any good? His abilities don't seem that powerful/useful...
    Star-Lord is pretty much a novelty character. He has some cool tricks up his sleeve, but he needs very specific builds to really shine. He shouldn't be a priority for you at this Point.
  • CuteLioness
    That pretty much confirms what I suspected. I'll let him go for now, much as I'd love to have him as a curiosity. Thank you!
  • Cousin Simpson
    Cousin Simpson Posts: 1,086 Chairperson of the Boards
    Thanks for all of this peeps and apologies for not getting back sooner. I have managed to roster all the covers advised, and am now looking at maybe rostering Starlord as I have two redflag.png covers for him (I got rid of two Rhulk before I'd seen this and am kicking myself!). Does anyone think he's any good? His abilities don't seem that powerful/useful...

    Other weirdos roster and champion Bag-Man, but I'm one of the few who like Star-Lord, but I guess only because I've got him max-covered and was on the verge of championing him. Also, I'd be veeerrry wary of selling 4*s right now...