ATPQ Patch Notes (08/08/16)

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
edited August 2016 in ATPQ General Discussion
Hi all,

The latest & greatest update for Adventure Time Puzzle Quest went live on Friday. Here's a look at the patch notes!

Adventure Time Puzzle Quest v1.96

New Features
- Lemongrab has cloned an army of other lemons! Defeat them and put him in his place - but look out for those sour lemon tiles!
- Lemons, Lemons, LEMONS offers two brand new challenging enemies with special abilities.
- Sour Tiles deal damage each turn and reduce the amount of damage dealt by affected characters.
- Lemons, Lemons, LEMONS! Offers 5% bonus experience for each battle completed.

Other Changes
- Difficulty scaling in PvE tournaments has been drastically revamped - in most cases, this is more difficult at the beginning and less difficult after a few times through the ladder.
- Rebalanced difficulty of all active PvE tournaments in the weekly rotation.