DcD PvE (T50) 1 free slot !!!

shadow310574 Posts: 78
edited August 2016 in MPQ Alliances
HI Guys
" DcD PVE " has 1 free spot !!!!

We are a
-Top20-50 PVE Alliance in 3* Events
and a
-Top50 PVE Alliance in 4* Events

- we play PVE only
- we use FB Messanger for fun, help and information
We are looking for Players:
- Who be able to reach the 25cp in almost every event
- Daily Players
- FB Messenger user

... add me in FB and I invite you to oure FB Chat after you join us icon_arrow.gif

Facebook ID:
Name: Jens Rauch Picture: Crusader

If you like to join, please send me a pm !!
.... if you are a bit creazy, it will hellp you with us icon_e_smile.gif)))


  • we are still searchin !!!
  • Hi im looking for a good alliance icon_e_smile.gif i play Every day and but i'm a newbe icon_e_smile.gif by tue event i'm on the second place i dome froh Austria and My english are not so good icon_e_smile.gif but im crazy and i love this Game icon_e_smile.gif)))

    My ingame Name is manei0986