I'm pissed.. d3 your about to lose a player doubt u even car

febreeze Posts: 2
After experiencing a major glitch in pvp that not only showed the wrong team but then the #s don't work properly after contacting customer Support they basically call me stupid and say thanks... this happens to me, cost me my progression cp as well as cp as well as placement rewards.. and I'm the idiot

2 options d3

1 replace the resources I lost

2 delete my account


  • Kjempen
    Kjempen Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    Not the worst bug in the game, but annoying yes. Had this happen to me a couple of times, expecting an easy PVP fight and then a facing completely different team when the fight starts. Not sure if this is due to some kind of server lag? Or, come to think of it, can it be due to 'cupcaking' /baking or whatever it's called? That the easy team is while shielded, and then the player unshields with their strongest team to try and climb higher in PVP, and you're expecting to fight the easy team but end up facing the strong team?
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's because you got hit on that node on an opportune moment and you actually entered the fight with the red node that replaced the team you were going to face. It happens sometimes.