[POLL] Thoughts on new PvE Difficulty?

simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
edited August 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Was wondering what folks thought of the update to PvE difficulty...
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  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well, the essential 2* fight is completely easy now. That's good since the rewards are lower than the other "harder" nodes. The other fights I haven't really noticed much difference. I guess it's lower, but it's hard to tell when you're facing a level 500+ Hulk.
  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    Seems about right to me (although my roster is such that my 5 stars are unleveled, and I have a bunch of boosted 3 stars that go to about the same level as them, and no 4 stars above 120, so I don't have to worry about roster diversity issues).

    The one thing I do love (that I feel doesn't get mentioned enough) is that they stopped determining the difficult of the whole sub-event by how well you do any particular node. Because that really, really, really sucked when you could find a good team to get through some of the hard level nodes easily, but then that would screw you up for the other ones (Scotland Yard, for example, used to be really bad for me because of this).
  • Meander
    Meander Posts: 267 Mover and Shaker
    Orion wrote:
    Well, the essential 2* fight is completely easy now. That's good since the rewards are lower than the other "harder" nodes. The other fights I haven't really noticed much difference. I guess it's lower, but it's hard to tell when you're facing a level 500+ Hulk.

    I think its difficult to tell considering hulk is a sole opponent. Historically these have been overleveled since there's only one. The true test will probably be when we get to true 3 man team hard nodes.
  • carrion_pigeons
    carrion_pigeons Posts: 942 Critical Contributor
    A 500+ Hulk is still just one character. Bring any flavor of stunner and the fight is a joke. The fight actually gets easier as the level goes up because it becomes impossible to accidentally trigger Anger. Bring along a 3* Punisher with 5 in red for extra lols.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2016
    Orion wrote:
    Well, the essential 2* fight is completely easy now. That's good since the rewards are lower than the other "harder" nodes. The other fights I haven't really noticed much difference. I guess it's lower, but it's hard to tell when you're facing a level 500+ Hulk.


    I dont think I am going to vote until tomorrow or whenever the hardest node has a normal team. The difference in the essential 4 node is harder to see because it depends on the 4 and also because the 4 is Xforce I cant use OML.

    Edit: In the second hardest node the difference is not even 20 levels, so not really expecting a big difference either in the hardest node.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yep, the 2* essential is now easy and I can beat the first non-trival nodes with non-buffed 4*'s the first time or two. So a bit easier in a couple of matches...

    Still need my best team every match around the third clear of any non-trival node. Still wish there was a need/use for all those other non-buffed 3*'s, buffed 3*'s, and non-buffed 4*'s on my roster.....104 roster slots full now and I think I have used 10-12 total characters in two subs so far.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    Felt like it took me a little longer last night than it ordinarily would for an x4 tap of all nodes, but that may have been me being tired and going slower. Who knows?

    But I'm glad the 2* essential fight is easier, for sure. My Ms. Marvel is level 15 right now because I haven't leveled her back up after recycling her. An easier fight means I can carry her at level 15.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I appreciate the 2* essential nerf, but I think they may have gone too far. Mine started at Lv 30. That's barely above the starting trivial node. I'm not complaining, because those are easy points toward progression, but I think the 2* node is a bit underscaled. Lv 30 is appropriate for a team of 90-ish 2*, but any champed 3* combo makes quick work of it to an almost abusive level.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    Calnexin wrote:
    I appreciate the 2* essential nerf, but I think they may have gone too far. Mine started at Lv 30. That's barely above the starting trivial node. I'm not complaining, because those are easy points toward progression, but I think the 2* node is a bit underscaled. Lv 30 is appropriate for a team of 90-ish 2*, but any champed 3* combo makes quick work of it to an almost abusive level.

    Eh, if they're going to give the trivial awards for it, I don't mind the trivial difficulty...
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    I only used 1 health pack on all my clears. I only did 5 clears on the harder nodes becuase I don't want that tinykitty critical boost. They took out 700 ISO and left 4 critical boosts instead. Seriously D3 why do you continue to have these as rewards for being willing to play the node 6 times????
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    Are people actually struggling against Hulk with boosted Daredevil and Scarlet Witch? O.o
  • revskip
    revskip Posts: 1,005 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Herald wrote:
    Are people actually struggling against Hulk with boosted Daredevil and Scarlet Witch? O.o

    I wiped once using Patch, DD and lazyDaken. Hulk hit smash and killed Patch which was pretty much the end of that run. The other 6 times I beat it handily, just collect 9 green, 9 blue, 10 purple and fire off Billy Club followed by Berserker Rage followed by Radar Sense. Rinse and repeat.
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    revskip wrote:
    The Herald wrote:
    Are people actually struggling against Hulk with boosted Daredevil and Scarlet Witch? O.o

    I wiped once using Patch, DD and lazyDaken. Hulk hit smash and killed Patch which was pretty much the end of that run. The other 6 times I beat it handily, just collect 9 green, 9 blue, 10 purple and fire off Billy Club followed by Berserker Rage followed by Radar Sense. Rinse and repeat.

    Death By RNG is always possible no matter what your strategy, sometimes it just rains AP for the computer.

    Sometimes it does it for us.

    RNGeezus giveth, RNGeezus taketh away.

    But in general, if you have two stunlock characters using two different colours with boosted health totals Hulk SHOULD be possible.
  • UNC_Samurai
    UNC_Samurai Posts: 402 Mover and Shaker
    They've got it mostly right, but there needs to be an across-the-board improvement in ISO rewards (we'll keep beating that dead horse until something improves).

    There also needs to be better scaling in the essential nodes. If my Wasp is 0/0/2, the corresponding goon/ DA squad needs to be scaled down so that I'm not effectively fighting 2-on-3.
  • kobu
    kobu Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    I've been playing just under a couple months now and the scaling apparently thinks I'm much more advanced. After the 4th clear on what the games thinks are normal difficulty nodes, I might as well not bother. I can sometimes pass them on sheer luck, but otherwise with my limited roster/lack of covers, I have no way of dealing with non-stop goon spam or enemy health that makes my damage abilities look like nothing.

    Perhaps part of the problem with the crazy scaling, and usually my only solution is my 2 cover 5* Jean. It's a **** shoot whether I get Phoenix Force off, and often I don't have enough green to shoot off 3 of it which is the only feasible way for me to take down 15K+ health enemies.
  • The Herald
    The Herald Posts: 463 Mover and Shaker
    kobu wrote:
    I've been playing just under a couple months now and the scaling apparently thinks I'm much more advanced. After the 4th clear on what the games thinks are normal difficulty nodes, I might as well not bother. I can sometimes pass them on sheer luck, but otherwise with my limited roster/lack of covers, I have no way of dealing with non-stop goon spam or enemy health that makes my damage abilities look like nothing.

    Perhaps part of the problem with the crazy scaling, and usually my only solution is my 2 cover 5* Jean. It's a **** shoot whether I get Phoenix Force off, and often I don't have enough green to shoot off 3 of it which is the only feasible way for me to take down 15K+ health enemies.

    Sounds utterly broken for you X_X

    Has the Hulk run been any better?
  • Arphaxad
    Arphaxad Posts: 278 Mover and Shaker
    Much better, just wish my hardest board didn't turn red after 4 clears icon_e_sad.gif
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    So far its really fair and reasonable. Time commitment is manageable and I really appreciate the changes to the 2* node. Overall its made my play very flexible.

    yes, the wasp nodes are hard, but that will be true for all new character intros and the next event could just as easily feature a championed 4*.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Phumade wrote:
    yes, the wasp nodes are hard, but that will be true for all new character intros and the next event could just as easily feature a championed 4*.
    Or it could be XF and lock out your OML icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • kobu
    kobu Posts: 165 Tile Toppler
    The Herald wrote:
    kobu wrote:
    I've been playing just under a couple months now and the scaling apparently thinks I'm much more advanced. After the 4th clear on what the games thinks are normal difficulty nodes, I might as well not bother. I can sometimes pass them on sheer luck, but otherwise with my limited roster/lack of covers, I have no way of dealing with non-stop goon spam or enemy health that makes my damage abilities look like nothing.

    Perhaps part of the problem with the crazy scaling, and usually my only solution is my 2 cover 5* Jean. It's a **** shoot whether I get Phoenix Force off, and often I don't have enough green to shoot off 3 of it which is the only feasible way for me to take down 15K+ health enemies.

    Sounds utterly broken for you X_X

    Has the Hulk run been any better?

    It's actually the Hulk run that's been the worst. Some were grueling before when I only had three or four boosted heroes, but that's what you get when just starting out. I could still grind on the old system. With Hulk I've got a rotation of three teams, but a Normal node will leave my team wiped. All the enemy teams have more health, and appear to be much better covered. I guess I'm just in a bad spot with however it's calculating my scaling. What's kind of hilarious is that Yelena is my bane right now because she can instantly ruin my Phoenix Force strategy.