Create Your Boss Character

GundamY Posts: 182
edited August 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
In MPQ, we have non-playable bosses such as Gorgon, Ultron, and Galactus. And there are posts that are dedicated to menacing big bads like Onslaught or Thanos. But tell me, who do you think should make an appearance as a boss and what does the moveset look like?

To get you guys started, I would like to demonstrate my example of what my boss character would look like:

star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngMephisto (Hell Lord)


blackflag.pngDeal With the Devil - blacktile.png 0 AP (Passive): Mephisto creates a contract with promises of bestowing powers beyond imagination. At the start of each turn, create a 6-turn Countdown Tile. If the enemy matches Mephisto's Countdown tile, they gain 6 AP of their strongest color, but takes 2000 damage.

purpleflag.pngNetherworld Dimension - purpletile.png 0 AP (Passive): Mephisto's domain subjugates residents of the underworld and hinders them. If the enemy has 18 or more AP, they cannot fire off a power corresponding to the restricted color.
(i.e. having 20 red AP means they cannot activate red power like Cyclops' Optic Blast or having 19 blue AP cannot activate blue power like Iceman's Uncanny Snowman)

redflag.pngDemon Sorcerer - redtile.png 13 AP: Mephisto relishes in the destruction and torment of his foes through his satanic magic. Deals 4000 damage to the enemy team. If the enemy team has 18 or more AP of their strongest color, this power drains enemy AP and deals 666 damage for each AP drained.

I designed Mephisto as the type of guy who will give you sweet deals at first, and just when you think you're winning, BOOM! He screws you over with what he's given to you and then laughs about it after you are downed. Of course, this is merely an idea that came to my mind, and I thought his powers match well with his despicable personality.

Thoughts? Comments? Let me know what you guys think of Mephisto as a potential boss character.


  • Mjmickler
    Neat. I like it.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Nice. I think it's a cool idea, but right now he's a bit easy. Just have a power to spend your AP with and most of his abilities don't come into play.

    There are probably lots of ways to tweak it. What if his Black passive triggers even when he matches the tile? That way he could cause some unexpected damage AND force people over the AP limit for Purple. As the board filled with up to 6 CDs, it would become quite a minefield. I also think he'd be better with some sort of stun ability, just to change the team's "Strongest color" and make the AP pools a bit more dynamic.
  • GundamY
    GundamY Posts: 182
    ErikPeter wrote:
    Nice. I think it's a cool idea, but right now he's a bit easy. Just have a power to spend your AP with and most of his abilities don't come into play.

    There are probably lots of ways to tweak it. What if his Black passive triggers even when he matches the tile? That way he could cause some unexpected damage AND force people over the AP limit for Purple. As the board filled with up to 6 CDs, it would become quite a minefield. I also think he'd be better with some sort of stun ability, just to change the team's "Strongest color" and make the AP pools a bit more dynamic.
    Hmm, yeah, you're right about the Black passive, because I haven't thought about the part if Mephisto matches his own tiles or if somebody destroyed/overwrite the Countdown tiles. Because if you get 3 star Falcon with 5 Blue AP, he can easily shutdown the Countdown tiles one at a time. Maybe I can punish whoever destroys or overwrites Mephisto's Countdown tiles by stunning them for 1 turn?

    As for "Strongest Color", I'm thinking if Mephisto forcibly maxed out the AP limit of one color, he can also max out the second strongest color, and then the third strongest color, and so on... I designed him as a Lockdown character since there are so many characters that can nuke bosses. Mephisto looks easy at first, but remember, he plays the long game, and anybody who can't match his board control will be screwed over by him.