Enemy Cost Increase Powers vs. Zero Cost Powers

Kojubat Posts: 142 Tile Toppler
Peggy Carter's Legendary Presence at five covers:
(PASSIVE) Tales of Captain America's combat prowess are told far and wide, so when she enters the battle, her enemies panic and falter. While Peggy's health is greater than 30%, all enemy powers cost 4 AP more.

Star-Lord's Oldest Trick in the Book at five covers:
Star-Lord points past his enemy and shouts "Hey! Is that The Pet Avengers?" before swinging in with a sucker-punch. He creates a Red 3-turn Countdown tile which deals 5708 damage. While at least one such tile is on the board, all enemy Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, and Green power costs are increased by 2.

(Emphasis mine.)

When in battle against a H.A.M.M.E.R. Sniper, the zero cost power (Deadly Shot) is not increased by either ability, despite being both Green and included in 'all'. Note that Deadly Shot is not tagged as passive, nor worded that way (for example, the style of "If one does not exist, create one").

I don't have any other examples of this, so I am not sure if it is unique to the Sniper/Deadly Shot or an issue with zero cost powers in general in relation to cost increasing abilities.


  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, if all the Hammer units, Sniper is the one I have the most issue with, mechanically speaking. Generates AP, but doesn't use it. It's always felt like Deadly Shot is more a passive than anything, and your post shows even the game is treating it that way. I hope D3 fixes it (sooner than later) to make it an actual passive and take out the AP generation.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Even if he doesn't stop generating AP, it works like a passive and ought to be marked as such.