R106 did not fix the crash issue for me. Anyone else?

padei_panda Posts: 55 Match Maker
I run on IOS and though the crash is "better", it is still occurring...

It is mainly limited to just after the game loads and pre entering a match.
Only twice did it crash after I have entered a fight resulting in loss and health packs.

Is anyone else experiencing this?

I am wondering if I should raise a ticket. I have not for the past month as David said the fix was coming out in R106 but my patience is wearing thin now...


  • It still happens to me, on android. The patch notes stated "crash during waves" my crashing was never and is still not during a wave. The last crash was the 2nd essential node of a new sub in The Hunt pve. The match loaded and before any move was made the game crashed - goodbye health packs. It is random and seems like it's almost daily.
  • Experiencing random crashes that I didn't have before, but more importantly -- the frozen board big is back. Once it happened, it now locks the board or crashes the game in 50-75% of pvp matches. Only happens ~10% in pve. So frustrated. Already submitted a ticket.
  • padei_panda
    padei_panda Posts: 55 Match Maker
    I decided to raise a ticket as there doesn't seems to be acknowledgement/resolution of the issue in the forums.

    After a few exchanges, CS has confirmed that the developers are working on a fix to resolve the constant crashing, and will be available in an upcoming update. They will contact me again once the fix has been released.

    I should mention that I felt D3 Go! Customer Service handled this matter very well, and I am satisfied with their timely response. It is not easy being the intermediary to find out issues and then respond to the customer. Keep up the good work D3 Go! Customer Support Team!