Order of Attack - 2nd Wave - Spirit of Vengeance

Kilwynne Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
I was just playing through Wave 1 of the Wolverine (Patch) challenge and just got my butt handed to me despite being 2x the levels and using boosts. However, the reason I got beaten was because Wave 2 came in firing off powers before I even had time to get myself together. I'm curious to see what the order of events are in these waves. As Wave 2 started, Deadpool arrives and fires off three separate abilities in seconds and Colossus sends him flying. If previous order of events are followed in the other wave challenges I've done, I should have moved first. Am I wrong in assuming this? I'm wondering if this is a bug or if I missed something. Thanks.


  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 703 Critical Contributor
    Depends. Did you end the previous wave with a match-3 or 4 or a turn-ending power? If so, it's the AI's turn when the next wave shows up. I always try to end a wave with a match-5 or a power that doesn't end my turn so I get to go first when the next wave appears.