Raging Tempest is doing full damage when it shouldn't.

elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
Noticed this during the Wolverine wave node on the final day of Hearts of Darkness. Classic Storm is part of the third wave of enemies, and when I defeated the previous wave and an attack tile hit the newly arrived Magneto, it hurt him enough to trigger Raging Tempest. The problem is that, despite everyone in that wave other than Magneto still having full health, it hit everyone for 1500+ damage, as if they all had less than half of their health instead. I assume this is due to the fact that the game is somehow still taking the previous wave's health into consideration while that attack tile went off, seeing as how the new team had just arrived and hadn't had a turn yet.

Hope someone notices this and actually fixes it. Seems like a few of my bug threads go ignored.


  • elusive
    elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
    OJSP wrote:
    Just for accuracy: I think you meant Classic Storm (2*) and Raging Tempest ( yellowflag.png ).

    I did! Thanks for correcting me; must be one of those days.