Freezing during turn transition.

Deus422 Posts: 19 Just Dropped In
I have had a problem with the game occasionally freezing when it tries to switch back to my turn after the computer is finished. Generally this happens if they have an effect that happens at their end phase, just as giving me back a creature ofter casting turn against. Im getting rather annoyed with losing games this way.


  • Serakiel
    Serakiel Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    I'm having the same problem. I've lost at least 15 matches this way, and especially when in the middle of long winning streaks. This is something that needs to be fixed
  • Alicrast
    Alicrast Posts: 34 Just Dropped In
    In addition to having this happen after turn against.It happend once after I aether vialed two seperate creatures and chandra activated her first ability.