Objective Counter Not Functioning on 1 Story Mode Mission

RyudoKills Posts: 2
I'm going back through the story mode with my higher level Nissa to complete the bonus objectives for crystals. Everything has been going well, but right now I'm on the Abbot of Keral Keep, and the 3rd objective is to kill 8 of his creature cards.

Unfortunately, no matter how many I kill, whether defensively or with a berserker card the counter stays at 0/8. I haven't skipped an objective yet, and I'd really appreciate not having to start now.

I'm on a Samsung Galaxy Note Pro tablet. Username RyudoKills. Haven't run into this issue on any other missions, even ones with the same objective, and I've restarted the app and reset my tablet and nothing will make this particular counter work on this mission. The app is up to date. Anyone else seeing this issue? The forum didn't yield any results for any simolar problem. Help?

Thanks in advance everyone!


  • zolesz
    zolesz Posts: 45 Just Dropped In
    Same issue in Origins - Chapter Three: Alhammarret, High Arbiter.
    Objective would be to kill 10 or more enemy creatures, but the counter always stays on 0. icon_neutral.gif
  • knthrak
    knthrak Posts: 39
    Heroic Encounters level 5 (Gideon, Battle-Forged) also has this bug. The Kill 10 or more enemy creatures counter doesn't move. I even tried killing my own creatures, and that doesn't work either.
  • That is wierd.

    I have the same problem in BFZ c. 3-6 Herald of Kozilek.

    Everthing else works fine.
  • Same issue here with the Abbot of Keral Keep

    I've also confirmed that it's not an incorrect translation of "sacrifice" (as seen elsewhere) - killing my own creatures also does not increment the counter.
  • Scotcamp
    Scotcamp Posts: 70 Match Maker
    Yes...I have experienced this in several of the BFZ stories.