Broken champed 4* sent as TU

vudu3 Posts: 940 Critical Contributor
R106 seems to have broken TU for champed characters. The patch notes say that champed characters are now supposed to come across as if their build was 5/5/5. An alliancemate sent me her champed Quake who was at 5/5/3. I got her blue power and the description indicates that it's a 2 cover ability. I've read other accounts of this happening.


  • Kjempen
    Kjempen Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    Very annoying bug that affects any champion sent as teamup (be it 2*, 3*, 4*....)

    Hope this gets fixed soon!
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same here. Got a champed Iceman green team-up and it was only at 2-cover power.

    This is baffling to me. A 5-second QC of this change would have revealed this bug. Therefore I have to assume that they don't do any testing before these changes go live.
  • PresidentDuck
    PresidentDuck Posts: 4 Just Dropped In
    Same thing happened to me, and I haven't installed the R106 update yet. Submitted this as a bug report to CS. This is a ridiculous failure...they made a QoL change no one asked for, and instead just broke it.
  • thor1516
    thor1516 Posts: 11 Just Dropped In
    The QOL change imo was actually a good one, so I'm glad they did it, but obviously a fail on the execution.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Same thing happened to me, and I haven't installed the R106 update yet. Submitted this as a bug report to CS. This is a ridiculous failure...they made a QoL change no one asked for, and instead just broke it.
    The TU was probably sent to you by someone on R106, though. If we're lucky, they can patch this with a server hot fix, but I doubt it.
  • Akari
    Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
    It's not just 4* TUs. I was sent a champed cage that only did 2500 base damage. I also won a pvp match vs a champed HB and received a red tu that did 380 damage per red AP. The whole TU system is broken...
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Akari wrote:
    The whole TU system is broken...
    Well, we DID all hate the TU system when it was introduced, so let's drink a toast...