Thug CD Tile not disappearing when defeated

JVReal Posts: 1,884 Chairperson of the Boards
I was playing over my lunch so I didn't have time to test other Goon characters, but with the Thug character, he had 2 pistol yellowtile.png CD Tiles on the board, and I beat him. Then I noticed his CD tiles remained and continued to count down.


Once the lower one resolved to 0, they both disappeared and did no damage. Not a big deal for that... but as you can see, I was playing Antman, so my Ants! Ants! Ants! tiles were about to resolve as well. Since my Ants! Ants! Ants! will need yellow tiles to change into Strike tiles you can see the problem this could cause with these tiles being occupied by CD tiles that should have been converted into normal tiles upon the death of the Thug.

In this instance there were enough yellow tiles, but this will be a bother should it not be fixed. I haven't noticed if this happens with other CD tile generators yet, but perhaps people could keep an eye out for this and report here.


  • auralgami
    auralgami Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    I can confirm. I have seen this several times over the past few days in Hearts of Darkness. Here's some proof. In the picture, you can clearly see the Lieutenant is downed in the back. Yet, that Yellow Countdown (with 1 on it) is his Morale Boost.

    The next turn, it disappeared. But it should have disappeared when he was downed.
