Trading Tokens!!!!! (Rewards Slot only)

Shad0wnivek Posts: 9 Just Dropped In
Trading tokens... ( only aquired once in 30 days) or as a price replacing 25 command points...
Rewards slot charcters would be the only tradable and you can only trade from alliance member who also has a Trading Token..................
Characters can only be traded for a desame star character...
1 Trading token would be $8.00 for sale...
Pluuuus trading 4-5 star chrcters would have an additional cost of 200 hero points in order to trade......
Still a no????? Ok how about
Only VIP players can Trade................


  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    I like this idea. The idea of being able to trade or exchange covers with others has been brought up many times on the forums, but the main argument against the idea is that it could be abused by constant trading between high end players or whales.

    I don't recall the idea of limiting a trade to once a month though... and honestly tying it into the VIP feature is pretty brilliant. VIP is considered not worth the money for long-term vets, but if it had the additional feature of allowing you to trade one cover in your reward queue with another VIP, it would become a pretty killer feature.

    I would imagine many people who don't subscribe to VIP now would be much more willing to pay for it if it had this feature. There would be development costs on Demiurge/D3's part to create the trading mechanism/screens, but the time/effort would be offset by an expected increase in VIP subscriptions. A win for Demiurge/D3, and a win for players.