**** Scarlet Witch ****

ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
edited August 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
It's been a long time since I first specced Switch as a 4-star. Still a pretty interesting build, if I do say so myself, but the power progression is a bit complex and could be streamlined. That build can be viewed here: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=2257&p=315664#p315664

The following build is totally different than that early attempt, and I think would be tons of fun and add a bit to the meta. She focuses on red/purple generation (weird, right?) and causes lots of tile destruction, even boosting the destructiive capabilities of her allies. I don't think she would fit in as a 5 star because of her high AP generation, but still would team well with Green Goblin and Phoenix.

Scarlet Witch (Classic) star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png

Level 270: HP: 13015 Tile Damage: 11/82/73/13/64/12/3.5x

redflag.pngHex Bolts 7 redtile.png AP
Wanda hexes her enemies, disrupting their plans in unpredictable ways. Deals 537 damage and destroys 5 random non-friendly tiles (does not generate AP). This power's cost becomes
7 purpletile.png , or returns to its original cost if it is already Purple.

Level Upgrades
    Level 2:
756 damage.
Level 3: 963 damage.
Level 4: 1398 damage.
Level 5: 2228 damage.
    Level 270
    Level 3: 1904 damage.
    Level 4: 2768 damage.
    Level 5: 4413 damage.
    blueflag.pngMagical Nexus
    Wanda's mutation lets her channel the cosmic power of the universe into her magic.
    (PASSIVE) Whenever you gain Red AP, generate Purple AP; Whenever you gain Purple AP, generate Red AP. Maximum 1 Red and 1 Purple AP per turn.

    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Generate up to
    2 Red and 2 Purple AP per turn.
    Level 3: Generate up to 3 Red and 3 Purple AP per turn.
    Level 4: Generate up to 4 Red and 4 Purple AP per turn.
    Level 5: Generate up to 6 Red and 6 Purple AP per turn.

    greenflag.pngArcane Disruption 8 greentile.png AP
    Wanda flings tremendous blasts of magical energy at her foes. Randomly destroys two 2x2 groups of tiles (not generating AP).

    (PASSIVE) When Wanda or an ally destroys tiles, destroy 2 extra tiles, plus 1 for every 6 blue AP your team has in reserve. These additional destroyed tiles do not generate AP.

    Level Upgrades
      Level 2: Destroy
    3 extra tiles.
    Level 3: Destroy 3 extra tiles, plus 1 for every 5 Blue AP.
    Level 4: Destroy 4 extra tiles, plus 1 for every 4 Blue AP.
    Level 5: Destroy 4 extra tiles, plus 1 for every 3 Blue AP.


    • GundamY
      GundamY Posts: 182
      quick question: in exchange of having two passives, Scarlet Witch can access four colors? red and purple are quite frequently used for so many characters, but it makes me wonder who can team up with her for maximum synergy
    • ErikPeter
      ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
      Sort of, yes. Her Red power turns Purple when used, then turns back to red if used again. And assuming she has 3 ranks in blue, every red match generates an equal amount of purple (once per turn). Her match damage wouldn't change.

      What she really does is greatly boost tile destroyers (as well as purple/red users, of course). Teamed with XFW/XFDP, her blue passive fuels XDP's red/purple and all of XFW's powers would destroy a bunch of extra tiles. Teaming with Red Hulk would give him more Purple AP and make his passive tile destruction crazy effective. Cyc or Winter Soldier's pinpoint tile destruction would turn into buckshot. Any team that uses red or purple AP and relies on destroying enemy specials more than using their own would benefit. On PvP defense she's a bit tempered by having cheap active powers in 2(3) colors that aren't super damaging beyond the tile destruction they cause.
    • GundamY
      GundamY Posts: 182
      ErikPeter wrote:
      Sort of, yes. Her Red power turns Purple when used, then turns back to red if used again. And assuming she has 3 ranks in blue, every red match generates an equal amount of purple (once per turn). Her match damage wouldn't change.

      What she really does is greatly boost tile destroyers (as well as purple/red users, of course). Teamed with XFW/XFDP, her blue passive fuels XDP's red/purple and all of XFW's powers would destroy a bunch of extra tiles. Teaming with Red Hulk would give him more Purple AP and make his passive tile destruction crazy effective. Cyc or Winter Soldier's pinpoint tile destruction would turn into buckshot. Any team that uses red or purple AP and relies on destroying enemy specials more than using their own would benefit. On PvP defense she's a bit tempered by having cheap active powers in 2(3) colors that aren't super damaging beyond the tile destruction they cause.

      Oh goody! I'm kinda glad that I don't have to deal with this version of Scarlet Witch with boss character Gorgon (he's a pain in the **** with his red and purple AP, man)!
    • ErikPeter
      ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
      Yeah I'm re-reading this comparing Hex Bolts to X-Force and I'm thinking to myself, OK those damage values are too high. Still, I don't think she'd be top tier, except as a battery.
    • GundamY
      GundamY Posts: 182
      But still, can you imagine her teaming up with Iron Man Mark 40 and The Hood? I know I did, and damn, the team composition rocks!
    • ronin_san
      ronin_san Posts: 980 Critical Contributor
      I want the Hex Bolts to do something else if Purple.
    • ErikPeter
      ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
      I think she's complicated enough as she is. I wanted to keep her simple, and all about board shake.

      Also it just bugs me when I can't see a character's full abilities from the roster screen. There's no way to figure out how much damage OML does after the claws come out, or how strong Moon Knight's special tiles are, except by going into a match, setting it up and then writing down all the values. And there's no way for me to see how I'll improve after one more cover.

      I think having Red/Purple do the same thing greatly improves the ability for players to understand what they're getting.

      Maybe as a 5-star her powers could afford to change more. But in that case, her passive Red/Purple generation might have to color shift to Red/Yellow, or Green/Purple, simply because R/P are so potent, especially combined with the 5-tier's limited Red generation which would then also accelerate Purple.