Undergrowth Champion.. fixed?

shteev Posts: 2,031 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Reports are coming in that a disabled Undergrowth Champion can be outright destroyed.

Can it be true? O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!


  • Barrelrolla
    Barrelrolla Posts: 289
    Noooo, how am I supposed to win games now? /sarcasm
  • Sinslayer5
    Sinslayer5 Posts: 45
    Alas, I can confirm this is now the case (honestly, as it should be, due to the way disable works across all other cards). Two instances of Swift Reckoning during the PvP event makes my beloved champion just *slightly* less OP-beyond-all-belief...

    A good incentive to start building non-UC green decks again, though.
  • Irving
    Irving Posts: 95
    Mine took 2 from a Meteorite, though. Can't complain given the card's overall power level, but that doesn't seem to be the intended functionality. Can anyone confirm? It's not completely impossible that it had been disabled and I didn't notice.
  • TimWebko
    TimWebko Posts: 22
    Was never too fussed about UC on my Koth deck (Tier2 ability walks straight through) but yes I have now also killed a Disabled UC... Which was nice (on my Blue deck during PvP)