PvE: New difficulty mode and brackets

eMaRDi Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
After the change of the way points are distributed in Rocket & Groot I felt a bit of as I never seemed to get with Top 500 without considerate effort (+2hours a day).
As this seems not to be the case within the current PvE (Thick as thieves), there are two possibilities:

- As I joined the event intentionally later that the beginning I was put into a less competitive bracket of 1000 people
- I was put into noob bracket

Overall I have not yet discovered how to determine if I am in regular bracket or "noob" bracket (colour change? Some symbol?).
Additionally I think it would be very helpful to see some indication how many bracket are already "full" (1000 people) and capacity of the still open bracket (e.g. 2/250) at the moment the selection screen start time/end time pops up.
Maybe this info can be updated in a larger interval (5 minutes?) to avoid "click-spam".

I think that most more active people will join as soon as possible. Personally I see some inconsistency in competitive difficulty across PvE events.

With the current difficulty mode, fighting the first ranks of any node seems to be a breeze for me (I need about 5 health packs to beat the first rank of all nodes of a sub event). However, as other people are apparently evenly capable, it seems the "spread" across the board of similar skill seems a bit hard.

As a additional note, I would suggest to base point per fight earned based on the level of goons (together?). E.g. three level 13 goons would earn 39 points, while fighting 3 level 100 goons would earn 300 points (until the point where points decline per fight).

This would lead to a wider "spread" of earned points across the board (even diminishing points would be more valuable).

Currently it seems e.g. first tier goons increase in level but loose in point won relative to their level (which seems a bit unintuitive).

Another thing: I really do not understand the point in subplot (daily or two day sub-event) which are labelled "full points in 24 hours" with 7 stages.
What is the point in such a node (aside of features teammates aiding) regarding points earned? It was (from my point of view) questionable while the reset was at eight hours. You simply cannot get maximum points with 7 times 8 hours in 24 hours. Now you may fight once in a subplot in such a node for full points.

That's simply nonsensical (you might calculate to be in-game every 3 hours to gain maximum point for this node which is beyond "flexible play time").

Just some thoughts from my point of view.