4* Punisher, Army of One didn't convert back correctly

Akari Posts: 492 Mover and Shaker
I just ran into this bug in the Balance of Power PvP, I was using 4* Punisher against a team with Black Suit Spidey. When they had 2 people left, I used my green to stun my team and convert black to Army of One, completely forgetting it would turn him invisible, and then killed the other teammate. Due to BSS being invisible, I was unable to hurt him, so I did regular matches for 2 turns. At the end of 2 turns, my team became unstunned and BSS was no longer invisible, but my black was still in Army of One mode. I used it and got the Army of One animation, but it did no damage and I lost the AP. Immediately after using it, it became Punish again, and I was able to use it for full damage and win.

I'll try to get a screenshot if I can find another team with BSS on it.
