State of the App

ViralCore Posts: 168 Tile Toppler
edited July 2016 in MPQ General Discussion
Dear Devs,

First of all, I would like to thank you and let you know how much we all really appreciate your hard work and the thought that you put into creating such a wonderfully addictive game. That said, many of us would like you to please stop developing new characters for 2-3 sprints and pay your technical debt. Right now the app is very buggy and:

1. crashes fairly often for no good reason. Simply opening the app or starting a match results in a crash.
2. the stack change that determines no-matches on board results in not receiving ap and even in some situations a loss of a full turn.
4. the delay at the beginning of a turn often results in the wrong match registering.

This is all resulting in a lot of frustration and provides a very poor user experience. We have plenty of characters to chase in the mean time, we'll be happy to wait.