another Nightcrawler spec

Pogo Posts: 185 Tile Toppler
edited July 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
I know 3-stars are no longer fashionable, but I think that would be the appropriate tier for classic Nightcrawler.

I figure he should be lowish health but high crit. Mostly poke & special tile control for that fencing feel.

blackflag.pngFrom the Shadows (9AP)
Creates a random Black trap tile. If matched by the player, deals damage and returns Black AP. If matched by the enemy, the enemy takes partial damage and Nightcrawler is stunned.
1. Deal low damage + gain 3AP. On enemy match, partial (25%) and Nightcrawler is stunned for 3 turns.
2. Deal low damage + gain 4AP. On enemy match, partial (25%) and Nightcrawler is stunned for 3 turns.
3. Deal okay damage + gain 5AP. On enemy match, partial (25%) and Nightcrawler is stunned for 2 turns.
4. Deal good damage + gain 6AP. On enemy match, partial (50%) and Nightcrawler is stunned for 2 turns.
5. Deal good damage + gain 7AP. On enemy match, partial (50%) and Nightcrawler is stunned for 1 turn.
(rather than try to guess hard figures for damage, I'll just say the low rank deals about as much damage as 5 matches (15 tiles) in his strongest color. At highest rank it would deal about twice that.)

redflag.pngParry and Strike (Passive)
If Nightcrawler is damaged for greater than X% of his max health (display value), convert a random enemy Attack, Protect, or Strike tile (if one exists) into a Basic tile. Otherwise deal damage.
1. If hit for over 15% of max, convert random enemy A/P/S tile, or deal tiny damage
2. If hit for over 15%, convert random enemy A/P/S tile, or deal low damage
3. If hit for over 10%, convert random enemy A/P/S tile, or deal low damage
4. If hit for over 10%, convert random enemy A/P/S tile, or deal better damage
5. If hit for over 5%, convert a random enemy A/P/S tile, or deal better damage.
(Damage is pokier here. At the low end it's worth 1 or 2 matches, at the high end maybe 5 or 6, but it can be triggered multiple times in a turn)

purpleflag.pngBAMF! (5AP + Rank Increase)
Kurt uses his teleportation to get the drop on his opponents. Select two tiles to swap positions.
1. (5AP) 2 selected Basic colored tiles swap positions
2. (6AP) 2 selected Basic colored or Team-Up tiles swap positions
3. (7AP) 2 selected Basic, Team-Up, or friendly special tiles swap positions
4. (7AP) 2 selected Basic, Team-Up, friendly special (including friendly countdown), or enemy Attack, Protect, or Strike tiles swap positions.
5. (7AP) 2 selected Basic, Team-Up, friendly special, or enemy special tiles swap positions (any tiles that are not explicitly locked in place).

Originally I had intended the passive ability to destroy enemy special tiles (including countdowns at rank 5) but if I remember correctly, any resulting cascades would harm the player because it would technically still be the enemy's turn during the counterattack. I also debated whether to make the counter damage "either-or" or whether it should trigger alongside the tile conversion. I guess it depends on the magnitude of the damage. He doesn't seem like he should be a tank, so maybe it should trigger like Raging Tempest? Higher threshold but valid when any ally is damaged? Or minimize counter damage and make it trigger every time he gets hit?

For his Purple, my original plan was for the selected tiles to drag adjacent tiles along for the swap. Initially just the selected tiles, then a + shape at rank 3, then eventually 3x3 block. The selected tiles would remain centered, but the other tiles would get shuffled around during the swap, to tie into the displacement part of his teleportation. I figured that adding this function, while kinda fun, would take the strategic benefit out. Swapping bigger blocks wouldn't matter if you couldn't reliably use the power to create matches (or protect friendly specials). It's much more of a support ability, as opposed to Idle Hands which is limited to Basic tiles but has a non-trivial damage bonus attached.


  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    Not bad. I think a cheap tile swapping power is kinda, eh. And none of the level up changes are that exciting. But it would fit him pretty well.

    I like the other two more. Both are pretty unique. Having him deal immediate damage on 5%+ of his health is pretty slick (it couldn't be too high or would just be brutal), but the removing enemy specials thing is solid and interesting. "Oh, you're beating on me with Strike tiles? How about I take care of those..." From the Shadows, on the other hand, would be really fun when you get lucky and can keep it going for better-than-free. Match the trap, now you have 10 AP and can cast it again. Sorta like Daredevil's but different enough to be worthwhile.

    Solid spec. Keep up the good work.