Alliance split in two (Ultron Event)?

SeraphimLP Posts: 22
Hey guys,
it appears that our alliance has become split up into two different groups for the current event.
There are 5 people in one group that are fighting together, while three other people in the same alliance currently are in their own ranking, where only these three are visible. They also have their own progression (HP) bar that does not match with the one of the other group.

Did anybody encounter something like that or has any kind of solution?

Thanks in advance icon_e_smile.gif


  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yes, this happened last event. Apparently CS gave the alliance commander a really hard time about it, claiming that people were in different alliances when they joined.
  • JPellet
    JPellet Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Unfortunately, that's not the issue in this case. Most of us have been together at least since the Civil War Events, so not sure how our Alliance got split in two.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    It wasn't the case for the other alliance, either. They were all together in one group for a few hours before the boss event started. Not sure if they were able to resolve the issue or get any sort of compensation.
  • Infrared
    Infrared Posts: 240 Tile Toppler
    I'm in the OP's alliance. This was resolved nicely for us in the end. Here's an update on what happened:

    Our alliance has 20 members and no one joined or left during the event. We were split evenly into two groups of 10 players each. Customer support told us they couldn't change our groupings, but they would add up the scores after the event and compensate us. And sure enough, today we received extra Professor X covers, plus some extra event tokens for our trouble.

    Thanks D3 customer support!