Enemy using powers in the middle of countdowns ticking down.

elusive Posts: 261 Mover and Shaker
First off, I apologize if this is an old bug/something that has been discussed numerous times in the past and never fixed (just like, say, the fact that countdown tiles can count down multiple times in one turn if they drop down past a countdown tile that's currently going off and have done this since the game first came out). I was playing against a Hood with some goons the other day and while their countdowns were going off, Hood shot off an Intimidation, which basically meant that the countdown tiles that hadn't gone off yet got to tick down twice in one turn, thus some of them actually got to activate on that turn when they shouldn't have until the next. Last I checked, players can't use powers before/while their countdown tiles are going off, so why is this happening? I wouldn't be surprised if this is a result of the devs tinkering around with the code lately, much like many of the other strange bugs I've been seeing nowadays. I mean, it's an extremely trivial bug most of the time, but it figures I'd have it used against me when it's a power that actually benefits from it.