Enemy Vision faking out his Heavy Density

razin_the_furious Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
I was fighting Vision in the Man Made event.

He had a Blue Density tile down.

On my turn, I destroyed it.

His first action on his turn was to do his red, which fired as the heavy punch instead of the solar beam, as if the density tile had not been destroyed.


  • Black Duke
    Black Duke Posts: 694 Critical Contributor
    I've mentioned that too. The enemy's Vision has attacked me twice with his Heavy Punch without having the Heavy Density-tile. Unfortunately I've lost the fight because of that bug. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Insert25c
    Insert25c Posts: 48 Just Dropped In
    Just happened to me as well. And then the AI had the nerve to use Density: Heavy. I know he didn't have one before because the AI did a match-4 that killed the previous D:H tile

    A few games later my Vision had his D:H tile matched away, but when I went to use Solar Beam, Vision used the super punch instead. I didn't see if the power's name was correct.
  • LuciferianX
    LuciferianX Posts: 163 Tile Toppler
    Yep. This is a thing. If I hadn't had Quake, I'd have lost that fight. So it needs addressed.
  • laughingMAN
    laughingMAN Posts: 65 Match Maker
    Same thing here. I'd bet good money that it's related to the wonky turn order evaluation in this game (like banners or waves showing up before the last enemy is defeated).
  • MPQ_Daywalker
    MPQ_Daywalker Posts: 384 Mover and Shaker
    On the plus side, I actually had this bug work for me. The AI had matched away my heavy density tile, but I figured I would fire my red anyway and get the single-target damage.... but when I selected my red Vision power, it was still Heavy Punch; I fired and got the AOE effect.
  • JD Geek
    JD Geek Posts: 80
    Same issue. Happened when he got a 5 match removing it. Even if matched away on my turn prior it happens.