My game keeps closing

Epok Posts: 41
I play on an iPhone 4s and my game keeps closing for no reason. Half the time when I am launching the app it just dies in the middle after 1-2 minutes of different loading screens and I am returned to my phone's desktop. I also have to babysit (tap my phone) during loading screens or super long ability chains or cascades because if my phone locks from inactivity there is an 80% chance the app will die and my heroes will take damage from a lost round. Also, loading other apps can kill MPQ, gmail for example if i receive an email while playing and accidentally tap it while trying to make a match.

This app shouldn't die on me 10 times a day.


  • padei_panda
    padei_panda Posts: 55 Match Maker
    It is a known issue for Iphone users.
    Apparently it is getting fixed in R106 patch.

    It has been occurring a lot more after the R105 patch (for me anyway).
    It's annoying but has not made me mad enough to rage to CS... but if it gets any worst, maybe I will !

    So far, I get about 5-10 crashes each day.
    And I find that if it crashes, wait 10 minutes before trying, as back to back crashes are common.
    (The most I had was 4 crashes in 10 minutes)

    So far nothing has helped to mitigate the crash e.g. restarting phone