MPQ R105 Hotfixes *Updated (07/26/16)

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
Hello all,

Here are the hot fixes arriving in Daily Patches, after the R105 update:
(*Note: This thread will only be updated when relevant info is available and some Daily Patches may not contain hot fixes.)

July 25th
• Hulk (Bruce Banner)'s Smartest Guy in the Room power is now Team-Up eligible.
• Fixed a bug where Hulk (Bruce Banner)'s Gamma Ray Experiment power was not correctly counting Locked Green tiles.
• Fixed a bug where 4-Star match damage in the character's strongest color did not increase after level 210.

July 19th
• Fixed a bug where the Power-Level Preview was not displaying the correct description immediately after upgrading the power.