New Pve Format - Your thoughts?



  • Wolarsen
    Wolarsen Posts: 326 Mover and Shaker
    If you play remotely competitive, 2 days subs make you to not play PVE for a whole day; this is tampered in 1 day subs, bur still quite boring.

    For competition, we are still playing around the clock; we will always be, unless you remove timers completely.

    I have 5 champed 4*, and have found not signifficant changes in difficulty.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    3->4* tranisitioner 3x4* champed and one usable 5* @ lvl300 (OML)

    Previously t10 pve player

    1)Has this new format impacted your placement in the subs or overall event?
    If so, are you placing better or worse and by how much?
    Hard to say since its not finished yet but so far I'm placing 1 place lower than I would be previously.I feel this is more to do with unfair scaling than the pve system. In fact give old pve scaling and new pve system and it's pretty much fixed

    2) Understanding that the scaling cap increases has made PvE more difficult for all of us.
    Do you feel there are instances where the difficulty feels too unforgiving? Unfair?

    Yes juggs + 2x muscles was a node I could only clear 4 times and then gave up really if you're going to pair a character with 2 muscles it should be someone with expensive skills then you're not eating 16x 2300 match damage every 2 turns.

    3) The new format brings it's share of positive and negative changes. Setting aside the discussion of whether or not it accomplished the perceived goals or if you feel PvE should be non-competitive.
    Do you prefer the new format or the old format? Why? I prefer the New system as if you can't play exactly on time then you're not punished as badly as there's very little loss of points making t50-t10 theory. In practice however I'm finding t10 slightly more difficult to hit but again I feel this is because of the loss of points from being unable to clear that node due to scaling

    4) Do you think the new format will change how you play PvE?
    Going from tanking events to clearing each one for node rewards.
    Going from pushing for top 10 to relaxed clears to get key node rewards.
    Giving up on PvE for everything but new character releases.[/quote]
    My play will not vary apart from I won't play every 8 hours now. I'll play at irregular intervals according to when my free time allows it.
  • OneLastGambit
    OneLastGambit Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    Transitioning 5 player. Champed OML, plus 12 champed 4s

    1)Has this new format impacted your placement in the subs or overall event?
    Yes, I am usually top50 (top20 in new releases). Right now sitting in 70 position for the event, and I was just top100 in the first sub (with 7 completions for the easy nodes, 6 for all the rest), and top200 for the second sub

    2) Do you feel there are instances where the difficulty feels too unforgiving? Unfair?
    The first sub was definitely harder than in the old format, but I still managed to not lose any fight. Muscle nodes were the main problem. The second sub is much easier.

    Some events are going to be a nightmare in this system. And I might probably kill completely my PvE experience when I champ my PH in a week. It makes NO SENSE AT ALL that 5 players are the ones having the toughest time.



    3) Do you prefer the new format or the old format? Why?

    Old format by a wide margin. First, it was much easier for 4, 4 to 5 and 5 players. Now 4 to 5 and 5 players are the ones with the hardest time. Then It was much better to play 30 min a couple of times during the day, and then for 1:30 before the end (a little bit more for new releases). I don't like having to play for 3h in just one go (just for PvE, we still need to play DDQ, PvP, etc.).

    And of course THE GREAT LIE, "I can't win all progression in the old format playing in one go" and "in the old format I can't play whenever I want and win all progression rewards". This is the worst. The format was changed because people assumed that the timers were screwing them, something it has been demonstrated over and over again that it was wrong. It was just a perception, and a wrong one. So thanks devs for fixing something it was not broken!

    4) Do you think the new format will change how you play PvE?
    Not the way I play it (I will still try to get the green ticks in all the nodes), but definitely my placement in general. I doubt I am ever going to get top20 again, my goal is just getting the 25 CPs and node CPs, and top100 for new releases. I am losing A LOT of HP and iso in placement in this new format. Thanxs Devs!

    In the new system the punishment for playing sub optimally is less severe meaning you can place t10 or lower easier.

    I've been playing very sub optimally and overall I'm 10th place in the old system playing sub optimally would never net you t10. T50 maybe but likely t100. So while progression can be earned playing anytime in both systems in the New system placing is a tad easier...when scaling doesn't make me wanna throw my phone at my lab equipment and then detonate it all
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    updated roster in sig. basically have 10 4* champs and a 405 OML - no idea what to call that (mid-late 4* transitioner?), but that's what the top of my roster is.

    1)Has this new format impacted your placement in the subs or overall event?
    if I tried in the old system I was typically in the 15-40 range and I'm currently running at the bottom of that range now. not sure how often I can do that (trying to play this one earnestly), so my guess is that this is the top of what my range will be. I cannot commit to the 4hr play session that straddles a sub flip time, so I'm playing semi-suboptimal in slice 3. get to timers by the ~6 hr mark and hit them again about the ~20 hr mark. first sub I played to ~6/7 on each node.

    2) Understanding that the scaling cap increases has made PvE more difficult for all of us.
    Do you feel there are instances where the difficulty feels too unforgiving? Unfair?
    second sub, absolutely no troubles. first sub filled with hood and jugs was a real pain and healthpack drain. the hood/muscle/muscle node was hard enough after the 5th time I chose not to go at that one again. it was the only node I didn't hit 6x. I really miss the 325 cap. this uncapped scaling really makes it zero advantage in pve to level the top of your roster and I shudder at the thought of this scaling in venom bomb or what the next gauntlet will look like.

    3) The new format brings it's share of positive and negative changes. Setting aside the discussion of whether or not it accomplished the perceived goals or if you feel PvE should be non-competitive.
    Do you prefer the new format or the old format? Why?
    Without a doubt I prefer the old format. Having a family and a career limit my moderate playing blocks of time to morning, lunch, and a little more in the evenings, which allowed me to play the old format semi-optimal without affecting RL much at all. Overall I think it is much healthier to encourage a few smaller play sessions than turn optimal into one long 4hr grind. even a 12hr timer would be better than 24hr.

    4) Do you think the new format will change how you play PvE?
    if it weren't for the t50 sub hp, I'd almost certainly turn into a 4x farmer and completely ignore placement. that'd kill any placement chances though and I'm inching closer to every 2*/3* cover being useful for me. so about the time I finish my bottom end, i'll be nearly fed up with trying to place for covers - meh.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    Maybe split up the bracket into time slots like now slice 1, 2,3,4, 5. But then you get to choose the playstyle. Refreshes every 8 hours or every 24 hours. Let the player choose?
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2016
    3* roster veteran still transitioning to a 4* roster here and mainly a PvE player historically. My explanation for my cons are explained after my list (pros are fairly self-explanatory).

    Play when you want
    Set reward schedule
    Slightly re-tooled node rewards

    More clears required to get best rewards
    More clears required for placement
    Higher eventual scaling on essential and hard nodes
    The new format is the opposite of what most matching games are about

    The new format I fear will be worse for me for overall, however I do see why a lot of people will like it more since you can play when you want.

    I have a schedule where I could play in 8 hour intervals without too much trouble. Since one clear only takes around 30-40 minutes (unless facing bad boards of course!), I could do one clear late at night, one in the morning and one after work. I would usually place top 100 as well doing this. I would sometimes grind a node at the end to get a decent reward but more times than naught, I would earn most of the decent rewards in three clears per sub-event (call me lucky I guess but I rarely recall needing to grind a node 6 or 7 times).

    In this format, so far I don't think I will get top 100 (maybe not even top 200) and I have made 4 clears in the first sub-event and 6 clears in this second one. I did four full clears on the last sub with some grinding on the trivial nodes (also grinded out the repeatable event nodes). I still have the third one to go but I don't see myself going beyond 4 clears with the Doom/Mystique nodes as they are generally pretty difficult. If this is normal then I will lose out on placement rewards it appears based on this event. Update: As of this morning with just under 4 hours left in the last sub I am sitting at rank 84 and I will not get top 100 when it is done.

    The scaling is also worse as now I see almost level 300 nodes on the hardest nodes with my roster whereas I usually saw level 260 nodes on the hardest nodes before and I haven't had any significant roster changes lately. The essential scaling is also more difficult than I remember at the high end by at least 20 to 30 levels.

    Here is the another big issue, I will now need to make 4 full clears per sub-event for certain because all of the good rewards are mainly on that fourth clear (for essential and hard nodes). Whereas before I would normally only do my 3 clears and rarely do any additional targeted grinding (for example if I knew 3 out of the 4 remaining rewards were really good, I may hit that node one or two more times). I have found that I have spent around an hour longer on this event that I used to in the old system. I want to spend less time playing not more and the new format says I will have to spend more time playing or get less rewards. I will probably also lose out on the higher sub-event rewards which will be bigger than overall placement.

    I imagine most people do like the set reward schedule, for me I guess I usually was pretty lucky getting most of the good rewards up front, so for me it isn't a very big value.

    I see myself probably at best being a 4 clear player with no concern about placement if this is going to be the trend in future PvE events.

    This game is no fun when you play it for an extended period of time (over an hour), matching games like this are generally meant to be played for a short time. It is what made the game fun for me. The new format makes it so you now need to play it in big chunks if you want to get PvE placement now...something I just won't do. I sat and played three clears in a row twice over the past two days and both times I was thinking to myself....why am I spending so much time on this game. I know that part of that questions has to do with many other issues with the game but the extended playing sessions magnified everything else for me.

    I do think a true judgement on the system will need to be reserved until we play many more events in this format. This event is about as bad as EotS except for the opposite reason, it is too easy. It is one of the easier PvE by far and we have IM40 boosted and featured, one of the better 3*.
  • amusingfoo1
    amusingfoo1 Posts: 597 Critical Contributor
    Thanks for doing this. Good to think it through.

    I'm a 5* player (OML, Surfer, Phoenix all championed, if barely), with a solid bench of champion 4*s. (Roster in sig)

    As far as placement, almost always top-10, with a number of top-5s, and 8-10 top-1/2 finishes as well (I was one of the perfect score finishers in the latest EotS, FWIW, as well).

    I think the changes to scaling will end up making top-10 about the best I can hope for, unless I want to sink even more time in (and I don't; in fact, I'm cutting back).

    I have still been able to defeat all the nodes, but nodes like that Jugs/Muscle/Muscle one, with them having almost 160k hp, just take a ridiculously long time even when things go very well (I never wiped to that one, but did lose two characters once).

    Also, a factor here is that there are two top-notch 4*s available as back-up. Plus, for me personally, Cyclops is my highest-level 4*, and he's insanely good when buffed that high. Plus, this is one of, if not the, easiest PvE events overall.

    So, given those factors, I'm not sure that top-10 isn't optimistic. (The thought of this kind of scaling in a Heroic is enough to give me the heebie-jeebies.)

    The one really good thing about the new system is that I normally lose about an hour of sleep between third clear and grind. With the new system, I can go to sleep earlier.

    As far as my preference, I'm undecided. If I'm not trying for top-10 or better, new is definitely better. In particular, if I decide to drop back to just going for progression and farming, it's fantastic. But the scaling really adds a lot to clear times, and that isn't cool.

    Will it affect my play style? Probably. I probably won't be quite as competitive in the future. We'll see.
  • fmftint
    fmftint Posts: 3,653 Chairperson of the Boards
    What it's like to play the new format competitively
  • sc0ville
    sc0ville Posts: 115 Tile Toppler
    ViralCore wrote:
    Fully transitioned 5* player (many of them champed).

    1) My placement is worse. Currently sitting at 11th but usually in the top 10.

    2) Way more unforgiving, goons were doing 37k aoe (thanks to strength tiles) and cascades of any size often killed any 5* in a single turn. Some games were over before I even got to fire a 9ap ability. I didn't even get all of the rewards.

    3) PvE should remain competitive because it makes it more fun and interesting. It gives you another goal to work towards. I prefer the old system where you weren't penalized so much for having a stronger roster. My current top 10 are 3*-4* transitioners, not one has a fully covered 5*. D3 said themselves that 5*s are supposed to be epic, they do not feel that way in the new environment.

    4) The new format will mean I can no longer play competitively. The nodes are out scaled for my roster. It also means yet another imposed iso shortage.

    I've competed with ViralCore on numerous occasions (he's a very dominant PvE player and I rue when I end up in his bracket). If he's struggling under this new format he's fully validated my decision to sit out PvE entirely. Congratulations D3 you made me entirely give up about 90% of my gameplay.
  • 8punch
    8punch Posts: 97 Match Maker
    i love this new system.

    i never play for competitive. PVP is for that.

    now i can simply scedule what i want to get. i am a new player only have good level 2 charchters. but i can simply scedule to get to 20000 points to get iron man cover. and then i am done.

    i know tommorow i only need to clear every node twice and i am done.

  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    I am in 4* territory (8 4* maxed, a lot of maxed covered but no iso... the usual). My 5* are not usable (1-1-1 OML is the only one that gets playing time and only to help with the Trival nodes) as my highest covered Phoneix is 2-4-0.

    1)Has this new format impacted your placement in the subs or overall event?

    I have decided to go for progression. Getting top 10 is not possible for me (can't grind that much), and 3* are irrelevant. Having said that - I have been clearing all nodes 4 times. That is giving me top200 in the current bracket (3). I guess I could get better if i've grinded more but I won't. Clrearing them 4 times mean I will easily hit top progression (don't need all 4 clears on the last day).

    2) Understanding that the scaling cap increases has made PvE more difficult for all of us.

    I don't mind the scaling. The fifth attempt seems like the tough one (as sixth and seventh) - and I have not ventured on that territory.

    3) The new format brings it's share of positive and negative changes. Setting aside the discussion of whether or not it accomplished the perceived goals or if you feel PvE should be non-competitive. Do you prefer the new format or the old format? Why?

    I love the new format. I can play at my own pace and get the 4 clears needed for the CP. At the same time I am guaranteed to get all the CP in the nodes. And i can limit the time I spend with the game. Many, many thumbs up for me.

    4) Do you think the new format will change how you play PvE?
    I has changed it - i will now play for top progression every time (well.... maybe not heroics). I am less likely to skip the entire PvE now.

    I like the change as it comes as the very much needed change of pace for me. I stopped caring for 4* new releases (still - the only one I don't have is Moon Knight). I almost stopped playing PvP (did not hit 10k season for 2 seasons in a row). And I was drifting away from the game. PvE being that accessible will keep me around. Would prefer it to be fully progression based but I take what I get.
  • Jabrony_Geoff
    Jabrony_Geoff Posts: 378 Mover and Shaker
    babinro wrote:
    I figure it might be helpful to open up discussion about people's personal experiences with the new official format.

    1)Has this new format impacted your placement in the subs or overall event?

    Unfortunately due to suffering a severe case of burn out I didn't participate in this test event. The burn-out started at the end of the Winter Soldier 7 day event and I haven't Been the same since .

    Do you feel there are instances where the difficulty feels too unforgiving? Unfair?

    The effort and sheer grinding madness required for me to remain top 20 and collect two winter soldier covers afffected me so much. I vowed from that day to Never..EVER grind away for a cover.

    Do you prefer the new format or the old format? Why?

    When and if I return to playing Pve on a regular basis anything has to be better than the old format.
    ....depending on what slice you were in grinding could take anywhere from 4 to 5 hours.
    Then another hour needed to start and hit all the nodes once for the next sub.

    4) Do you think the new format will change how you play PvE?

    Now that I've had a break from Pve I've realised there's more to life than grinding away for some new cover that will take me months to use effectively.
    I will only play Pve if there's a specific cover I want.

    You wanted feedback babinro then there's mine. Doesn't answer all your questions but that's life.
    healthpack.png Peace out healthpack.png
  • Lboogie
    Lboogie Posts: 55
    4 to 5 transition 700 days in

    1. Yes my placement is compromised I always get t100 sometimes t50 with 3 clears and a few extra hits for cp. T10 or t20 new toon full grind.

    2. Scaling whatever...I have the tools to win but if not I have winfinte....very disturbing to think about heroics.

    3. I prefer the old way I loved pve most cause it was set on a structure I could is not play when you want. ..even if you only want t100 you still better get those 4 initial clears done can't do that.

    In closing I will say that it has forced my retirement from the game. I like pvp enough but not enough to stay. Definitely not a hate or bash thread I'm very grateful for the devs for the awesome game that has kept me playing longer than most games have. But such a major change to the core element we learned early on and have adapted to is not working for me. I am playing ultron with my awesome ka prime squad then bowing out.

    It's been a blast...thank you
  • BigBZ32
    BigBZ32 Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    My roster is in my sig, I consider myself a 5* transitioner.

    1)Has this new format impacted your placement in the subs or overall event?
    Unexpectedly, I placed t10 overall and place t10 2 of 3 subs with the third placing t15. From this it hasn't impacted placement, although I changed sub times from before and this could have affected me more than anything.

    2) Do you feel there are instances where the difficulty feels too unforgiving? Unfair?
    I used OML/4*Cyke/IM40, it made things pretty easy, but my scaling wasn't horrible having a lvl405 Phoenix as my highest. I'd say it was challenging enough where I just wanted to get my green checks and be done.

    3) Do you prefer the new format or the old format? Why?
    I guess putting aside the competitive aspect, I kind of liked this better. I got everything I needed to do early and had some time to play with my kids everyday. The early grind vs late grind is better for my schedule I guess.

    4) Do you think the new format will change how you play PvE?

    I pretty much just played for green checks, doing 4 until timer, 2 before I went to bed, and 1 before timer ends. It was less than optimal, but didn't miss out on points too badly. In old format, I played optimally to green checks most times.
  • optimus2861
    optimus2861 Posts: 1,233 Chairperson of the Boards
    If progression stays this low for all events then I'm all for this new format. I only hit each node 4 times in the first and second sub and should get the max progression with ease - then only playing for the cp nodes after that.
    I missed the first sub entirely (I was still on vacation the day it started) and with 4-5 clears on most nodes (I have all the essentials) I still hit the final progression. More like this, please!
  • Colognoisseur
    Colognoisseur Posts: 806 Critical Contributor
    ViralCore wrote:
    Fully transitioned 5* player (many of them champed).

    1) My placement is worse. Currently sitting at 11th but usually in the top 10.

    2) Way more unforgiving, goons were doing 37k aoe (thanks to strength tiles) and cascades of any size often killed any 5* in a single turn. Some games were over before I even got to fire a 9ap ability. I didn't even get all of the rewards.

    3) PvE should remain competitive because it makes it more fun and interesting. It gives you another goal to work towards. I prefer the old system where you weren't penalized so much for having a stronger roster. My current top 10 are 3*-4* transitioners, not one has a fully covered 5*. D3 said themselves that 5*s are supposed to be epic, they do not feel that way in the new environment.

    4) The new format will mean I can no longer play competitively. The nodes are out scaled for my roster. It also means yet another imposed iso shortage.

    I have a roster about the same as Viral Core and I second all of his observations. The problem with scaling for those of us with 5* rosters is it takes much longer for us to hack through the massive health pools we are facing. I think there is no way that I will make t10 for a new character release and that is for a player who has never missed that goal all the way back to the beginning.
    My biggest question is there a scaling "sweet spot" where the difficulty evens out?
    Right now it feels a bit like I've been locked out of the candy store after having been a long-time customer.
  • Lopan15
    Lopan15 Posts: 225 Tile Toppler
    Half of my 4* are champed (the good ones) and through RNG luck I have a usable 5-5-1 OML.

    1. I was top 5 overall for most of the run but got called into work. Had to do final grind of the 48 hour sub 6 hours early and couldn't grind enough 1 point nodes to get back. Finished 7th overall. Subs I was usually top ten previously but mostly finished around 15-17th.

    2. Overall it was tough/challenging. I'm not sure I would have enjoyed it at all without champed boosted Xpool, Thing, and IM40.

    3. Neither format is good. To play for placement the initial grind and final grind leaves 19-20 hours in between of nothing but 1 pt fights on the easy mode if you want to sniff top 5.

    4. It has already changed my style after one run. As I said in response to number 1 and
    3, to be competitive you have to blow through to timers right away then only play the easiest node for 1 pt all day until 19-20 hours later when u can finally hit the other nodes again. However, if you have to early grind ONE sub out 4, you can kiss top 5 goodbye. Even grinding the 1 pt node 1000 times couldn't get back in to top 5. Imagine now if you will a 7 day event where you optimize and grind the one pointer but for some reason can't optimize the the final grind on the very last day. You might end up outside the top ten. In the old system, I could mess up a couple 8 hr refreshes and still grind my way back into top 10.

    What it all means to me.
    I'm not going to grind for top 5 because something might happen again which will cost me too many points to make up from having to grind early on a sub end.
    If I grind for top 10 I only get 1 4* cover so no biggie if I don't get it.
    Which leads to "well it's only one 4 * cover so why grind at all?"
    Which leads to "well I don't really NEED the 3* covers at this point so why bother Worrying about placement?"
    Which leads to "hmmm I'm not advancing my roster anymore so I'm falling even further behind."
    Which leads to "Hey I just got bonus energy in galaxy of heroes!"
    Which leads to "maybe I'll just play new releases and only shoot for top 100 for my alliance."
    Which leads to "after 900+ days, why am I still playing this game?"

    It seems they are trying to make PVE non-competitive by making you not want to compete.
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    Low 5* player :435 (PHX, SS), 420 OML, 12 various 4*
    Compete for Top 5.

    1)Has this new format impacted your placement in the subs or overall event?
    Not really. points wise the changes are minor, and actually this format makes it possible to be late on starting grinds and limit the loss of points. i late joined the first sub, played 2nd sub optimall, played 3rd sub relaxed. I finished with 72.6k points which is in the ball park for the top 5 alliances.

    2) Understanding that the scaling cap increases has made PvE more difficult for all of us.
    Do you feel there are instances where the difficulty feels too unforgiving? Unfair?
    --The only part that is difficult is the essentials because your being asked to bring an underleveled 2* to a fight that (in my case, my top 3 toons have a total of 1390 levels) I spent around 15 packs on health for the entire event. 9 of them were to rescue 2* storm after she's consistently 1 shot. Otherwise, the bots weren't too difficult to resolve. That said, if there were 3 active defenders, i would expect different scaling. I used OML/PHX/XFDP for the 3 hard nodes, OML/PHX/SS for the 3 easy and rotated my 5* to color protect the essentials.

    3) The new format brings it's share of positive and negative changes. Setting aside the discussion of whether or not it accomplished the perceived goals or if you feel PvE should be non-competitive.
    Do you prefer the new format or the old format? Why?
    ---Timing wise i much prefer the new system. I late joined sub 1, and only did a 3hr grind at sub close. Sub2 took 90 min to get the clocks running and 90 min to close or 3hrs total. sub 3 was slower, but I knew I had 1st wrapped up so just cruised home.

    The real benefit is that I don't have to worry abut pve during the day. That said as a PST player, S4 starts at 8 and its fairly convient for me to eat around 6, do final grind around 6:30. Finsih new sub by 9:30ish.

    4) Do you think the new format will change how you play PvE?
    Somewhat. Timewise, 3hrs per sub was quite resonable and similar to what i normally play.

    When it came down to competeing in a fresh sub, I found that all my normal pve tactics worked. When I was done I was top 2 in the sub, behind 1 by 13 pts, and I had about ten min left to decide if I really wanted to grind 1pts.

    That said, I saw that the bracket was very compressed and not much separation in sub that I knew people were playing hard.

    Overall, finishing 1st is effectively the same as top 5 or even top 10. I've tracked the last two ddq cycles and by the time they add the 4* to the titans lineup, I'll have the characte at 9 covers, and level150 4* for their titan match.

    TLDR, The changes do clump people together and consequently make pve placement harder. However, the changes don't really afffect my roster's rate of advancement.
  • Vladdy
    Vladdy Posts: 130 Tile Toppler
    3 champed 5*, a couple of champed 4*

    1) I was not really playing PvE beforehand (only tanking to take t2 or t10 on new release) because I am not able and not willing to spend that amount of time into this game. So I don't care about ranking and can't say if it changed or not.

    2) Nodes going above level 326/395 is more difficult by design and a logical consequence. But I am a lucky champed OML owner and it didn't really matter, at least in this PvE.

    3) I prefer the new format. It was easy to get the 25cp progression without conflicting with my real life schedule at all and I don't care for ranking.

    4) I will play more PvE now if the 25cp progression remains as reachable for me as in this PvE.
  • auralgami
    auralgami Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    4* transition, no champed 4*s, plenty of 3* champs

      Got the progression rewards

      Scaling was not fun People with rosters way more limited than mine scored higher more easily Missed top 10 by *that much*, and I really could have used the GR covers

    1)Has this new format impacted your placement in the subs or overall event?

    I placed top 5 for Peggy. I worked harder on this event and didn't place as high.

    2) Understanding that the scaling cap increases has made PvE more difficult for all of us.
    Do you feel there are instances where the difficulty feels too unforgiving? Unfair?

    Some nodes are just downright unpleasant. The Muscle/Muscle/Juggs, as well as some of the others mentioned in this thread. No surprises. They are not fun. I find it boggling that this obvious design issue goes unfixed.

    Also, Mystique just managed to bang out her combos at an insane rate, even after I actively tried to deny her her colors. I never get that lucky when I play Mystique.

    3) Do you prefer the new format or the old format? Why?

    I liked being able to attain the progression rewards without having to do any voodoo or guesswork. That said, I don't know if lots more people were playing, but I ended up doing more work and getting less out of it. I don't feel it was a good use of my time, and I would not invest as much time in the next PVE.

    4) Do you think the new format will change how you play PvE?

    I'll play for progression rewards only, since missing top 10 by *that much* just means hours of work with not a whole lot to show for it.

    The lackluster rewards are probably a topic for another day, but I do want to mention them. Outside of top 10, the rewards are pretty lame. The 3* rewards help a little, but they don't really help me in my 4* transition. Tokens are a **** shoot, and it seems lately I draw nothing but ****. I put in a lot of time in this event, and I have little more than 2*s and a handful of 3* that are only marginally helpful to show for it. The vault is over half 2*. I would rather have fewer tokens with better rewards, or be able to choose/target a reward I can actually use.