Liliana, Defiant Necromancer: Official Thread



  • melchior
    melchior Posts: 5
    My set (non competitive player)

    Bloodbond Vampire
    Malakir Cullblade
    Zulaport Cutthroat

    Alchemist's Vial
    Demon's Grasp
    Grotesque Mutation

    Retreat to Hagra
    Jayemdae Tome
  • Coconut99
    Coconut99 Posts: 212
    I could use some advice on my Liliana generally works, but it's proven to be very slow (largely from the lack of Diregraf and Prized, I assume). I also find that I'm often either fighting for creature space, or suffering from lack of them (I think I need more drawing power).

    Current deck is...

    Creatures (3)
    Undead Servant
    Relentless Dead
    Voracious Null

    Spells (4)
    Ever After
    Dark Petition
    Unholy Hunger
    Shamble Back

    Support (3)
    Shadows of the Past
    Sunken Hollow
    True-Faith Censer

    I added the Censer to try to get the Relentless to die more, in the hopes of pumping Voracious. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to actually come about that frequently. I'm more tempted to drop the Voracious and forget any hopes of it pumping up (which I don't think I've ever really had happen, or not well at least) in favor of that creature spot for tokens (from Shamble and Undead Servant). Or just giving up on anything really zombie-related until I get Diregraf...

    Other Black/Colorless Mythics aside from Relentless Dead:
    Smothering Abomination
    Alhammarret's Archive

    Other notable Black/Colorless rares:
    Remorseless Punishment
    Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
    Painful Truths
    Guul Draz Overseer
    Fetid Imp

    Have other rares that may or may not be applicable/useful, but most probably aren't directly.

    Any help/advice would be appreciated.
  • Avacyn
    Avacyn Posts: 89 Match Maker
    Been playing with this version of Liliana's discard/zombie combo:

    Prized Amalgam: discard it. Then bring it back free with floorboard or Colossus. Be warned this guy can freeze the game.
    Diregraf Colossus: your primary offense/defensive creature. It also brings back Amalgams to bump itself up.

    Behold the Beyond: discard your hand of Amalgams, Drownyard & floorboard. and gain 6mana for each card in hand.
    Transgress the Mind: synergizes with Liliana's first ability.
    Infinite Obliteration: synergizes with Liliana's first ability.
    From Under the Floorboards: Great with liliana's first ability due to it being a madness card it won't get discarded. And it a prim bump for colossus also brings amalgam back for more bumps to colossus.
    To the Slaughter: removal.

    Drownyard Temple: Discard with lily's first ability or behold the beyond to cast it for free with landfall.
    Corrupted Grafstone: 2 extra black gems every turn.
    Demonic Pact: ideally you want to cast this when it comes up with behold the beyond to reduce its cost. helps with card draw and discard opponent. can be replace with another removal if you feel it too expansive to cast.

    This build leaves the AI empty handed while you beat it up with your zombies. I tried the Relentless Dead and Fleshbag combo. I find that the AI don't have any creature in play for me to remove due to all the discard (most of the time). Plus if anything does get out it well be removed from to the slaughter or die by running in to the colossus.
  • span_argoman
    span_argoman Posts: 751 Critical Contributor
    Coconut99 wrote:
    I could use some advice on my Liliana generally works, but it's proven to be very slow (largely from the lack of Diregraf and Prized, I assume). I also find that I'm often either fighting for creature space, or suffering from lack of them (I think I need more drawing power).

    Current deck is...

    Creatures (3)
    Undead Servant
    Relentless Dead
    Voracious Null

    Spells (4)
    Ever After
    Dark Petition
    Unholy Hunger
    Shamble Back

    Support (3)
    Shadows of the Past
    Sunken Hollow
    True-Faith Censer

    I added the Censer to try to get the Relentless to die more, in the hopes of pumping Voracious. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to actually come about that frequently. I'm more tempted to drop the Voracious and forget any hopes of it pumping up (which I don't think I've ever really had happen, or not well at least) in favor of that creature spot for tokens (from Shamble and Undead Servant). Or just giving up on anything really zombie-related until I get Diregraf...

    Other Black/Colorless Mythics aside from Relentless Dead:
    Smothering Abomination
    Alhammarret's Archive

    Other notable Black/Colorless rares:
    Remorseless Punishment
    Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
    Painful Truths
    Guul Draz Overseer
    Fetid Imp

    Have other rares that may or may not be applicable/useful, but most probably aren't directly.

    Any help/advice would be appreciated.
    Considering you're using Liliana with 3 creatures only, I'm not sure you need Dark Petition. You can probably drop that for Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim. Her ability will feed off Relentless Dead rather nicely. Also Baloth Null is counterproductive to your deck as you want your creatures in your graveyard and not in hand. I recommend swapping it for Returned Centaur instead if you have that. Otherwise Read the Bones or some other cheap draw option to draw into your other cards. Just a note that Alhammarret's Archive is too expensive for Liliana to use effectively without having to add more mana ramp cards so it's not a viable option.

    And yes you seem to be lacking good cards to build up a faster zombie deck. You've already identified the ones you need, plus Kalitas should you draw into that. Also I would recommend adding in one more creature removal like Grip of Desolation (I see you don't have Unholy Hunger or To the Slaughter) and drop Shadows of the Past. While it's nice to gain life, 12 mana is really expensive for Liliana and more creature removal will likely save you more life than Shadows can potentially gain for you.

    With this build, chances are you will be using loyalty more for Liliana's first ability to discard the opponent's cards at the right time or use the second ability to dish out more damage.
  • Shadow-Mage
    Shadow-Mage Posts: 31 Just Dropped In

    Liliana is one of my main decks that I love to use. If we had deck slots I would keep one as vampires and the other as zombies. The below is my vampire build. I would love to hear any advice on this build and how to improve it. I lack quite a few good black cards including the cheap removal cards. That being said I would still love to hear all of your thoughts.

    Olivia, Mobilized for War: This is the heavy hitter of the deck, if you can get her out you can turn the tides even if you are on death doorstep.
    Drana's chosen: Summon zombies to hold down the fort for Olivia or just create a giant zombie mob.
    Drana. Liberator of Malakir: Beef up everything quickly
    Mindwrack Demon: Quick and powerful summon, plus discards for Liliana's 3rd ability. Hits you for health but usually will beat down your enemy before you die.

    Throttle: I lack good black removal so this is a way to remove little creatures
    Grotesque Mutation: Use on Drana, Drana's Chosen or Mindwrack Demon to counteract the demon hitting you for 4 every turn.

    Mirrorpool: Make your creatures big on the cheap.
    Corrupted Grafstone: Mana production
    Call the Bloodline: bring in little lifegain vampires to help out in a pinch
    Retreat to Hagra: Boost your creature on landfall while hitting your opponent and gaining a life.

    I would love to hear suggestions on how to make this deck even better. Thank you for any advice you provide.
  • SeditiousCanary
    SeditiousCanary Posts: 77 Match Maker
    I'm playing this:

    Sword of the Animist
    To the Slaughter
    Grotesque Mutation
    Transgress the Mind
    Whispers of Emrakul
    Diregraf Colossus
    Noosegraf Mob
    Despoiler of Souls

    I played a vampire list previous to this, which I liked better overall, but I want to try getting this in order first.

    I know the list is one short. I have a zombie in that I'm not loving, and looking for a better replacement.
  • Timkatt
    Timkatt Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    Here's what I'm currently playing.
  • Kavaridos
    Kavaridos Posts: 1
    After reading Upstartes' thread on Sanitarium Skeleton, it became a staple on my Liliana#1.
    I've been toying around this cheap control deck:

    manablack.pngLiliana, the Defiant Necromancer purpleflag.png
    3 Creatures
      Sanitarium Skeleton(C) - Deck revolves around this. You don't want to play it, just have it in hand for Ability#1:Corrupt and synergise with most of the deck.
        Accursed Witch(U) - Mostly here to help with mana generation and threat as it can also go well with the spells.
          Fathom Feeder(R) - It's got two main purposes: lockdown with ingest 2 and mainly help with draw (bonus deathtouch in case of nasty walls). Easily replaceable by other regular draw if needed.
          4 Spells
            Altar's Reap(C) - Last resort draw. Helps with Accursed Witch in case you fear a bounce or a disable so that the support is generated, also on Sanitarium Skeleton it'll just bounce back to hand so no biggie. ^^
              Whispers of Emrakul(U) - More discard (just in case) to help with your lockdown. ^^
                Grip of Desolation(U) - Removal #1: cheap + ingest = field control+lockdown (+ easier Fathom Feeder).
                  Rutheless Disposal(U) - -13/-13 on 2 creatures or -26/-26 on another in case you don't have 2 Grip of Desolation in hand. For the mechanics: sacrifice either Accursed Witch or generated, also on Sanitarium Skeleton and discard a Sanitarium Skeleton. By next turn depending on what you sacrificed, you'll have 1 or 2 Sanitarium Skeleton back in hand. icon_e_smile.gif
                  3 Supports
                    Magnifying Glass(U) - for mana and draw. Pretty straightforward card.
                      Choked Estuary(U) - generating mana for you. Be careful as lockdown takes priotity over mana, so only play if against someone how doesn't take big advantage on Blue/Black mana or if your board control is already pretty solid.
                        Creeping Dread(U) - your final lockdown. it works PERFECT with Sanitarium Skeleton. When you start a turn the following happens: you discard Sanitarium Skeleton, your opponent discards whatever and takes 3 damage, you get back Sanitarium Skeleton, you draw a card, you put back Sanitarium Skeleton as last card in hand.

                        The purpose behind the deck is locking down the opponents hand making him discard while ensuring you have enough recyclable Sanitarium Skeleton in hand while controling board with your removal.

                        The biggest issue you might have would be Creeping Dread wrecking your game by destroying your draw, so make sure to only play it when you've got at least something to ensure you don't empty your hand too much.

                        If you're already confident on your discard ability you can start moving on to saving for you for your Ability#2: Grave Mist to speed up damage or getting rid of small pestering thing your opponent might summon with his PW Ability (looking at you Gideon#2 and Garruk) or getting overwhelming board control with your Ability#3:Raise Dead, as by this time you've surelly killed Accursed Witch once or twice or even maybe a Fathom Feeder.

                        Don't mind this 2-month-playing-noob if I said something terribly nonsensical, but here's my contribution.
                        Lastly thank you Upstartes for the idea. icon_e_smile.gif
                      • Mainloop25
                        Mainloop25 Posts: 1,964 Chairperson of the Boards
                        Nice way to come up with a deck that doesn't rely on mythics/rares! Creepindread/skeleton is a nice combo. Eternal scourge would also work
                      • MockStar
                        MockStar Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
                        This is my deck:

                        Guul Draz Overseer
                        Diregraff Colossus
                        Accursed Witch
                        Bloodbond Vampire
                        Stromkirk Condemned
                        Smothering Abomination

                        Grotesque Mutation
                        Unholy Hunger

                        Campaign of Vengeance
                        Sword of the Animist

                        One of my favourite strats is to get Bloodbond Vampire out with the Campaign of Vengeance. You can end up with a +3/+3 every turn icon_twisted.gif
                      • SeditiousCanary
                        SeditiousCanary Posts: 77 Match Maker
                        MockStar wrote:
                        One of my favourite strats is to get Bloodbond Vampire out with the Campaign of Vengeance. You can end up with a +3/+3 every turn icon_twisted.gif

                        Defiant Bloodlord
                      • Reaganstorme
                        Reaganstorme Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
                        Liliiana: Mother, may I ?

                        Creatures (2):
                        Oliva, Head Mistress
                        Stromkirk Condemned

                        Spells (6):
                        Transgress the Mind
                        Whispers of Emrakul
                        Grip of Desolation
                        To the Slaughter
                        Anguished Unmaking
                        Behold the Beyond

                        Supports (2):
                        Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
                        Drownyard Temple

                        Did you ask ME if you could play that creature? No? Can't have it then.
                        Did you ask ME if you could play that support? No? Can't have it then.
                        Did you ask ME if you could draw more cards? No? Can't have them.
                        Did you just take some of MY life total without asking? I'll just get that back now.
                        Naughty Planeswalker.
                      • MockStar
                        MockStar Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
                        MockStar wrote:
                        One of my favourite strats is to get Bloodbond Vampire out with the Campaign of Vengeance. You can end up with a +3/+3 every turn icon_twisted.gif

                        Defiant Bloodlord

                        Now there is a card that I need!!
                      • Grenade110
                        Grenade110 Posts: 53 Match Maker
                        My build for Liliana is currently based on supports and them getting destroyed.

                        Creatures: (4)
                        Syndicate Trafficker
                        Marionette Master*
                        Weaponsmith Enthusiasts
                        Herald of Anguish*

                        Spells: (2)
                        Grip of Desolation
                        Dark Petition*

                        Supports: (4)
                        Brawler's Plate
                        Shadows of the Past
                        Tamiyo's Journal *

                        *Currently not owned. The idea is to utilise the cards that create supports and if they do get destroyed my Trafficker will pump, they will take damage from Master and/or Herald can weaken their creature.

                        Journal will repeatedly trigger these with the Clues it spawns and if they destroy it via matches or spells/abilities it will provide these benefits one last time. It's one card I must have. I generally wait on being able to use Liliana' s third ability which can be disastrous if my last three to be destroyed were Master and/or Weaponsmith. Petition also can be disastrous if timed right.
                      • Tilwin90
                        Tilwin90 Posts: 662 Critical Contributor
                        Going zombie with Lili1 until I get my hands on Lili2.

                        Creatures (3)
                        Gisa and Geralf
                        Prized Amalgam
                        Relentless Dead

                        Supports (2)
                        Graf Harvest
                        Oath of Liliana

                        Spells (5)
                        Infinite Obliteration
                        From Under the Floorboards
                        To the Slaughter
                        Ruinous Path
                        Anguished Unmaking

                        Not much to describe.
                        - Four removal spells (Oath, Slaughter, Path and Unmaking) to control the board
                        - One superb hand disruption spell (Obliteration)
                        - Zombies all the way (all creatures, Graf Harvest, Flooboards)

                        With Lili2's insane mana generation this will only get much better. I am aware I have no mana acceleration though all spells feel so great unless I get super unlucky with a clunky hand I should be fine.
                      • MiyagiDojo
                        MiyagiDojo Posts: 24 Just Dropped In
                        edited 2018 07

                        Standard July 2018 (Silver)

                        Supports (4)
                        Alhammarret Archive
                        Lich's Mastery
                        The Eldest Reborn

                        Spells (3)
                        Lethal Sting
                        Settle the Score
                        Dark Petition

                        Creatures (3)
                        Priest of the Blood Rite
                        Urgoros, the Empty One
                        Queen's Agent

                        Play from behind. Never die. Comeback.

                        Edit: VS Bolas and Teferi cut Alhammarret Archive and add Immortal Sun.

                      • Quatre
                        Quatre Posts: 7 Just Dropped In
                        I tend to use a slandered format when making a deck (at least standard to me) of 3 creatures 4 spells and 3 supports. Though sometimes I flip the number of supports and spells.

                        Using, Lilina 1. I will put what ever I find useful from your deck to my advantage against you. (I'm working on a shorter name).

                        Standard deck (I think. No blue strip down the deck, Someone please mention what that means.)

                        July 2018 (Gold tier)

                        Queen's Agent (useful for the lifelink & the Explore 2)
                        Rona, Disciple of Gix (only cheep Black Legendary creature I have at cost of 9) (I'll let y'all figure its importance)
                        Ruin Rat (Deathtouch & Defender .... cheep ground control)

                        Dark Petition
                        Liliana's Defeat (I knew I was missing a card)
                        Mastermind's Acquisition
                        Yawgmoth's Vile Offering

                        Gilded Lotus
                        Memorial to Folly
                        The Eldest Reborn

                        Before you Knock it .... this was put together on a whim to go against Historic Jace's 4th match (won that one), went 4 of 4 in the training grounds, Streak and I was able to win after a Very, Very long match on the 3rd disk 2nd opponent yet I won it with 46Hp remaining of 94.).