Anyone else unable to complete 2* battle in DDQ?

TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
My game keeps on crashing on the last match of downing the first character in Under The Sea, in Deadpool Daily Quest.

I assume that everyone else has defeated this mission several hours ago,, before their games updated.

It's happened two times in a row, now.

A mod can move this to Bugs if other people chime in with a similar issue, but if no one else does, I'll just delete it and make a ticket, on my own.


  • hodayathink
    hodayathink Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    Crashed on me the first time I tried it tonight, waiting for a while before I start it again.
  • dider152
    dider152 Posts: 263
    I've tried to do it three times and it crashed on me all those times. This is messed up. How long has this game been out? And it's still suffering from problems like this?
  • blargrx
    blargrx Posts: 150 Tile Toppler
    I completed the first mission but it's crashed 3 times on the second node icon_e_sad.gif

    So much for keeping my taco token streak going. Why is it always one step forward and two steps back?
  • Boommike
    Boommike Posts: 122 Tile Toppler
    Just completed it with no issues
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    A small potential theory.
    It crashed for me yesturday when I changed the focus to Dr Doom and tried to take him out first (as you would). Not immediately bt after a few matches and some damage had been done. It would crash when it was my turn and I made a match. Two times in a row it crashed soon after focussing on Doom first.

    When I didn't change the order at all and just focussed on the enemies as they arrived I managed to complete it.
  • lukewin
    lukewin Posts: 1,356 Chairperson of the Boards
    A small potential theory.
    It crashed for me yesturday when I changed the focus to Dr Doom and tried to take him out first (as you would). Not immediately bt after a few matches and some damage had been done. It would crash when it was my turn and I made a match. Two times in a row it crashed soon after focussing on Doom first.

    When I didn't change the order at all and just focussed on the enemies as they arrived I managed to complete it.

    Mine crashed on me at least 8-9 times. Glad I have a bunch of 2* champs. I posted mine in the Known Issue: Crash thread and it was only on the Under the Sea node (2* wave node). I also was able to beat it by not switching to Doom first. Today, I didn't switch to the non npc first either. Made it thru without a problem today.
  • TLCstormz
    TLCstormz Posts: 1,668
    I suggest people make tickets.

    Also, thanks for listening to my request, mods......unless you were going to move the thread, regardless........