Roster and ISO Fixes Idea

geno685 Posts: 53 Match Maker
So I've been thinking of random things I would do to make the game better and i came up with a neat idea that i told to my alliance who agreed that it was a great idea. As we all know the devs just love to keep releasing variants of characters we have in the game, i mean look at all the wolvies, spideys, caps, and iron men. I created a way for devs to do this while reducing roster spots and allowing newbies a better playing experience. What if all variants were clustered under their characters name, like all wolverines are together, all captain americas, etc. and would count as one roster slot. I guess an easy way to explain it is like a "folder" with all the specific variants. once you get one variant, no matter the star rarity, you now have a roster spot for all variants of that character. However it would be like normal in that you need covers to use each variant so if you have 2 star wolvie you cant start unleashing oml's fury, no you still need to get oml's covers in order to use him. It would also help in helping new characters realise that you cant use some characters at the same time. People could champ their bagmans knowing that no roster slot was wasted icon_razz.gif . In a game where if you wanted every character now you would need 106 roster slots, with this new system i estimate it going down to the low 80's. instead of wolvie taking 4 slots, he now takes one, cap goes from 4 to one. Hopefully i made it clear to understand it.

As for ISO, Why increase the amount of iso when you could just decrease the value of it so to speak. Make leveling characters cost less. $100 for hp can buy you 20000 hp, which is like 20 roster slots or more depending on your status, while $100 in ISO only gets you 78,000 which is chump change when you think about it, it costs over $150 to max a 3 star, that is outrageous imo, make it so getting 100 iso from selling all those pesky one stars actually means something

So what do you guys think? Does this sound helpful, does it sound confusing? please comment what you guys think.