Achievement Battles

TML Posts: 14 Just Dropped In
I love the 4* DDQ battles because of how they make you think and plot your every move. Unfortunately being a non-competitive player, I don't have very many capable 4* characters available. I would love to see some sort of "achievement mode" where you have to win a battle that follows a pre-determined criteria, such as:
    Win using only 1* characters Win only with match damage and boosts Win only using characters with XYZ color set Win without taking any damage Win in ten turns or less LOSE in ten turns or less Win with less than 50 damage left And on, and on, and on...

Those are just some random examples, but the possibilities are endless and they could get as wacky as they want it to get (characters with a certain hair color, etc.). The reward would vary depending on how difficult the achievement is and would bring some real puzzle solving into the game instead of just trotting out your strongest hitters 80% of the time. It would also give players an incentive to fill out their roster with more characters (like for a Cho battle for a LT?!) instead of just ignoring the ones that are less useful.