we need a *5 card Thor and here is why.

8punch Posts: 97 Match Maker
we now have a *5 hulk card. Thor should be equal. that is actually what the latest comic series on tv is so great. it is the interactions between hulk and thor on who is the strongest.

to make it even worse for any thor fan like myself. why is the female version of thor stronger then the male version in this game?

and now that we are it, why is there actually a a female thor at all?

Thor is one of the very few charchters in the marvel universe were people have actually fought and died for.

you dont change ZEUS into a female either, right? its actually a slap in the back of people who lived at those times.

now i dont believe in any skygod. but i do respect the people who believed in it and fought so hard for at those times. it is part of our real history. times of real men and real women.

also i dont care what skincolor either, yellow, brown, black,white. but Thor is male!

so why change that? any other charchter i have no problem with. hulk,she hulk, ms marvel, mr marvel. these are all fictional charchters that no one ever fought wars over or believed they would go to a better place. but thor is different.

give the guy some proper respect will you! level *5 card would be a great start!


  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    The Marvel version of Thor (or Asgard as a whole) has very Little in common with the mythological figure of the Viking age. Please don't mix the two.
    As for why there's a female Thor... well, why not? Calling her "Thor" may be a bit of a misnomer, but replacing the God of Thunder with a Goddess of Thunder seems very unproblematic to me.

    But hey, we already have 5* versions of Wolverine, Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America and now Hulk so a Thor version probably isn't far off.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    We'll probably get a 5* "Odinson" before too long, to go with the new comic series that's coming.

    But female Thor rocks, I've got zero issue with her being stronger than the male versions currently in this game. The current run is the most I've enjoyed the Thor comics since the Walt Simonson run (and maybe the short lived Landrige/Samee all-ages series).
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    8punch wrote:

    and now that we are it, why is there actually a a female thor at all?

    Thor is one of the very few charchters in the marvel universe were people have actually fought and died for.

    you dont change ZEUS into a female either, right? its actually a slap in the back of people who lived at those times.

    now i dont believe in any skygod. but i do respect the people who believed in it and fought so hard for at those times. it is part of our real history. times of real men and real women.

    also i dont care what skincolor either, yellow, brown, black,white. but Thor is male!

    so why change that? any other charchter i have no problem with. hulk,she hulk, ms marvel, mr marvel. these are all fictional charchters that no one ever fought wars over or believed they would go to a better place. but thor is different.

    First of all, Jason Aaron run on Thor is one of the best in Thor's history. Maybe the best one since Simonson.

    Second, you should not talk about something you don't have a clue about. If you have not read the comics, then what the **** are you talking about?

    Third, Odinson is well alive and kicking in the same universe, he just doesn't have the hammer anymore because he is not worthy of wielding it anymore and this is why he has renounced to the title of Thor. Instead of Mjolnir he is using a very powerful axe called Jarnbjorn.

    Four, do you now that the hammer has an inscription that says "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he/she be worthy, shall possess the power of... Thor", and that other people has had the power of Thor in the past? (Like Beta Bill Ray)

    Five, we are going to have a new comic book (after CW2) called "The unworthy Thor" were Odinson is trying to get a new Hammer and that looks amazing!

    http://www.themarysue.com/odinson-solo- ... rthy-thor/

    Six, female Thor kicks **** and is quite cool.

    Seven, are you comparing Marvel's Thor to the Thor in the Norse mythology ? Seriously ??????

    Then a 5 Thor? Why not, we already have 4 or 5 spideys, wolvies, ims, etc. It would be great to have the "Thor All father" as a 5.
  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    Polares wrote:
    Odinson is trying to get a new Hammer and that looks amazing!

    "New Hammer"; heh...

    Nope. Not new. That's totally Ultimate Thor's Mjolnir...
  • The Bob The
    The Bob The Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    Tatercat wrote:
    We'll probably get a 5* "Odinson" before too long, to go with the new comic series that's coming.

    But female Thor rocks, I've got zero issue with her being stronger than the male versions currently in this game. The current run is the most I've enjoyed the Thor comics since the Walt Simonson run (and maybe the short lived Landrige/Samee all-ages series).

    I know star rating doesn't equate to power level (looking at you, OML), but I just can't see them going with Odinson. I mean, he's defined (no Mjolnir) by being less powerful than Thor. Now King Thor? That'd be interesting.
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    Beta Ray Bill is the best contender, his mace is separate, so you will still be able to use other Thors' w/ him.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Doesn't matter who the 5*s are until there's a better way of earning them.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    I had a problem with this as well. I don't have a problem with Mjolnir choosing a woman as its wielder. I have a problem with her adopting the name "Thor". I thought "Thor" was the actual guy - Odin's son. He was chosen by Mjolnir. His female successor was also chosen by Mjolnir. I don't know why she adopted the name "Thor".

    I actually do, of course. Because "Thor" is a brand. If Marvel created a whole new brand called "Mjolnir's chosen" it probably wouldn't sell very well. Swapping the lead in a mainstay is far more profitable.

    That said, I have not read the comics. There might be a perfectly good reason, and if someone would like to school me on that reason I don't mind spoilers. If they release that transition in a trade I'd be happy to pick it up.

    Game-wise... Eh. I always thought Hulk was underpowered. I don't understand how 3* Hulk is different from 5* Hulk in the narrative, but I don't really care. Hulk is a big bad in the universe and deserves a 5* cover. Thor... I guess there's a case to be made, but what iteration can you introduce beyond what's already there? Other than the female version, Odinson doesn't change that much. The 2* and 3* are practically identical. They could license Chris Hemsworth's face, or maybe draw on the "Ultimate" universe, but it's still not that different.
  • 8punch
    8punch Posts: 97 Match Maker
    the day i read a comic were a female is thor will be the day i am am unalived icon_e_biggrin.gif

    ofcourse you can compare norse mythology thor with the marvel version. they very much look alike. again what is important is that Thor is one of the few charchters in marvel comics that actually has a true history.
    as said before, people have fought and died believing this. a part of the norse culture as we know is build on that foundation.

    so Thor can be female but not Loki? i wonder why that is icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    8punch wrote:
    the day i read a comic were a female is thor will be the day i am am unalived icon_e_biggrin.gif

    ofcourse you can compare norse mythology thor with the marvel version. they very much look alike. again what is important is that Thor is one of the few charchters in marvel comics that actually has a true history.
    as said before, people have fought and died believing this. a part of the norse culture as we know is build on that foundation.

    so Thor can be female but not Loki? i wonder why that is icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Yeah sure, except Loki has been a woman in more than one occasion... (He has also been a little kid, and a lot of other different incarnations). You can read also Straczynski run on Thor. Thor also has been a frog for a while, what about that?

    This is what happens in comic books, they change and they have cycles, because there are a lot of different writers for the same characters.
  • cyineedsn
    cyineedsn Posts: 361 Mover and Shaker
    Have....have you even read a marvel comic in the last 10 years?
  • djrdjr
    djrdjr Posts: 41 Just Dropped In
    5 star Frog Thor
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    djrdjr wrote:
    5 star Frog Thor

    Seconding this. Either that or Space Horse Bill.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2016
    Calnexin wrote:
    I had a problem with this as well. I don't have a problem with Mjolnir choosing a woman as its wielder. I have a problem with her adopting the name "Thor". I thought "Thor" was the actual guy - Odin's son. He was chosen by Mjolnir. His female successor was also chosen by Mjolnir. I don't know why she adopted the name "Thor".

    It's a weird situation, but I think its tied into the whole inscription on the hammer "The power of Thor", you get that power then you=Thor. It didn't work that way for Beta Ray Bill, but "Odinson" currently feels he's unworthy of the name too if he can't wield the hammer, so he's not raising an issue over it. I think the big reasons in the storyline are that:

    A:) Jane Foster is hiding her true identity from Odin (who matches 8punch's thoughts on the matter) and others, so she needs something to be called.
    B:) the name still carries a lot weight in those circles. As "defender of the 9 realms", hearing a Thor is still out there can help keep the peace better than Thunderstrike or whatever. (There's a war brewing between various realms in the story).

    That's the best I can figure. Doesn't really matter in the long run, because the story's been great so far. Color me "unalived" for liking it. icon_e_wink.gif
  • mckauhu
    mckauhu Posts: 740 Critical Contributor
    Even Wonder Woman have wielded Thors hammer and became temporarily Thoress... It's normal in comics
  • 8punch
    8punch Posts: 97 Match Maker
    i meant a female loki in this marvel puzzle quest game! i know loki went into a female body. but still he was loki the man.

    and yeah i stopped reading a lot of comics lately because of all this crazy stuff happening around. soon we get an iron man as a 12 year old girl. why she is not called iron girl i have no idea, but i know i wont read that stuff.

    if they called female thor, she-thor. fine. but thor itself is a man. and always be a man. and that a female thor is stronger then any male thor in this game is even more absurd.

    so hopefully this will be corrected soon in this game.

    thank you
  • Crnch73
    Crnch73 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    8punch wrote:
    i meant a female loki in this marvel puzzle quest game! i know loki went into a female body. but still he was loki the man.

    and yeah i stopped reading a lot of comics lately because of all this crazy stuff happening around. soon we get an iron man as a 12 year old girl. why she is not called iron girl i have no idea, but i know i wont read that stuff.

    if they called female thor, she-thor. fine. but thor itself is a man. and always be a man. and that a female thor is stronger then any male thor in this game is even more absurd.

    so hopefully this will be corrected soon in this game.

    thank you

    the misogyny is strong in this one
  • aesthetocyst
    aesthetocyst Posts: 538 Critical Contributor
    Put me down for Froggy Thor as well. And a 4* Beta Ray.

    I mean what I REALLY want is 5* King Thor launched with a Celestials* boss fight, but lets be reasonable.

    PS--Jane Foster Thor is awesome. I don't care who brings the lightning, just bring it!


    * I would say Midgard Serpent, but that's a very isolated, 1-on-1 battle. The Celestials come with built-in goons! A natural for this game.
    cyineedsn wrote:
    Have....have you even read a marvel comic in the last 10 years?

    Since he calls them "cards" I'm guessing not. Silly CCG players!
  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    8punch wrote:
    the day i read a comic were a female is thor will be the day i am am unalived icon_e_biggrin.gif

    ofcourse you can compare norse mythology thor with the marvel version. they very much look alike. again what is important is that Thor is one of the few charchters in marvel comics that actually has a true history.
    as said before, people have fought and died believing this. a part of the norse culture as we know is build on that foundation.

    so Thor can be female but not Loki? i wonder why that is icon_e_biggrin.gif
    They don't really look alike. I could go over the differences, but I'll just show you this picture: http://3208.deviantart.com/art/Thor-331031793
    That's what a faithful rendition of Norse mythology Thor looks like, and Hey, there's Marvel's Thor for reference. See if you can spot the differences...

    I'd love to have Loki-in-sifs-body in the game, so... Nice strawman I guess?
  • torontoraptors
    Feminism and comic book geeks, ay karamba.
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