5 Star Nova! Richard Rider!~

slantedandenchanted Posts: 127 Tile Toppler
edited July 2016 in Speculation and Concepts
Nova (Richard Rider)

LV 255: 11810
LV 350: 21980


blueflag.png Worldmind Energy Passive: As Nova Prime, Richard's Nova suit houses a gigantic source of energy not to mention the ability to collect energy from any surrounding forces. At the start of your turn, for every charged tile on the board gain 1 red AP. Also turns a random basic tile into a charged tile when an ally is damaged for 1000 or more damage.
2 Covers: Now activates when an ally is damaged for 500 or more damage.
3 Covers: Now gains yellow AP as well
4 Covers: Now turns two random basic tiles into charged tiles.
5 Covers: Now turns enemy special tiles into charged tiles.

yellowflag.png Power of the Nova force 12 AP: Richard unleashes the true power of the Nova force by using all sentient energy around him dealing 1500 damage to the target and destroys all charged tiles on the board dealing an extra 105 damage for each tile destroyed. Destroyed tiles do not gain AP.

(PASSIVE) Improves the strength of up to two friendly strike tiles by 100 when activated but only if they're black tiles.
2 Covers: Deals an additional 170 damage for each tile destroyed.
3 Covers: Deals 3000 base damage and an additional 250 damage for each tile destroyed.
4 Covers: Deals 4100 base damage and an additional 500 damage for each tile destroyed.
5 Covers: Deals 5000 base damage and an additional 750 damage for each tile destroyed.

redflag.png Human Rocket 8 AP: They don't call him the "Human Rocket" for nothing! He blitzes the opponents with ferocious speed, leaving behind energy from the nova force in his wake. Creates two strike 91 black strike tiles and two charged tiles. Deals 1000 damage if you have at least 12 red AP when activated.
2 Covers: Creates three charged tiles.
3 Covers: Creates four charged tiles and creates strength 175 black strike tiles.
4 Covers: Creates five charged tiles.
5 Covers: Creates six charged tiles and creates strength 250 black strike tiles.

Soooo I don't know if you guys have heard but there's a new comic book cover for the upcoming Nova #1 that looks an awful lot like a very familiar Bucket Head meaning that one of my favorite superheroes growing up(as a lonely teenager in California) is making his way back to mainstream comics!!!! So in celebration of that I figured "Hey! Maybe he'll even be added in Marvel Puzzle Quest!" I cannot be the only person who wants this!
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