Sell prices for Ironman is different than other characters

dsds Posts: 526
I just added an extra champ level to 3* ironman yesterday night. Then I looked at the sell rate for him. It was odd that at level 177 the sell price did not include any hero points, while other characters at 177 included 50 hero points and 1000-2000 more iso. Is it just a temporary glitch or is this true for everyone else?

Yeah I am weird, I look at the sell prices and see how much iso and hero points I can get if I sell all my covers.


  • AsylumTKJ
    AsylumTKJ Posts: 149 Tile Toppler
    You're right.
    At lvl 185, IM40 can be sold 25 000 Iso.
    At the same lvl, Switch can be sold 28 800 Iso and 75 HP.
  • mikelnoe
    mikelnoe Posts: 92 Match Maker
    I can confirm

    Lvl 202 im40 - 25000 iso 0 hp
    Lvl202 hulk - 32200 iso 175 hp
  • snlf25
    snlf25 Posts: 947 Critical Contributor
    I wouldn't sell him for anything less than 500K iso and 1,000 HP so it's irrelevant but that is weird.
  • dsds
    dsds Posts: 526
    I wonder if it's due to his update in powers recently. I wonder if vision has the same thing?
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    Interesting, even my lvl 180 Daken sells for more:

    lvl 183 IM40: 25,000
    lvl 183 Doom: 28,400 iso, 75 HP
    lvl 180 Daken: 27,800 iso, 50HP
  • udonomefoo
    udonomefoo Posts: 1,630 Chairperson of the Boards
    snlf25 wrote:
    I wouldn't sell him for anything less than 500K iso and 1,000 HP so it's irrelevant but that is weird.

    I wouldn't even take that. I'm not sure what my price would be, because it would take me a while to build a new one. With as many 3s as there are it could take several months. I think I'd need at least 1M iso to bite on that, he's just to valuable to my teams. If I had a functional 5*, that price would go way down.
  • BlackSheep101
    BlackSheep101 Posts: 2,025 Chairperson of the Boards
    dsds wrote:
    I wonder if it's due to his update in powers recently. I wonder if vision has the same thing?
    Vision (and Quicksilver) both offer higher iso and hero points for selling champs.
  • Tatercat
    Tatercat Posts: 930 Critical Contributor
    dsds wrote:
    I wonder if it's due to his update in powers recently. I wonder if vision has the same thing?

    Doesn't seem to be. From my comparable 3* champs at his level:

    Cage, lvl 192: 30200 iso, 125 HP
    Vision, lvl 192: 30200 iso, 125 HP
    Hulk, lvl 192: 30200 iso, 125 HP