Bugs during Heavy Metal PvP

drag0n41 Posts: 86 Match Maker
I had an issue while doing my shield hops for this event. I was in slice 2. Did my first shield hop with approx 1.5 hours left from 922. I did 4 fights for a range of 15-30 points so should have received approx 110 points. After my second fight notice my score did not go up, figured I was hit so o big deal.

Same result happens after each of the next 2 fights. Finally get frustrated and shield at 980. I force close and do not see attacks against. Close again and only see fights against me while I was shielded, none showing successful attacks, so I lost 60+ points and have nobody that I can retaliate against.

Try to get the last push to 1k with 7 min to go in slice, finish first match that listed 30 points in 2 min, I only received 14 points. Do another match takes approx 2 min for that match and my scor is back down to 958. My score in top left lists 1016, I do not get the 1k reward as I was hit in the 2 min window that it took me to fight. Somehow I missed out the 1k reward with 2 shield hops and less than 100 points needed.

I did not see a single opponent above 33 points in the last 4.5 hours of the event. Cannot climb when I do not an opponent to hit.

Tl;dr Please fix the lag issue for attacks against, as it causing way to many issues for anybody trying to reach progression rewards.