Advice for Oblivion Sower encounter - Gideon1

Demsu Posts: 22 Just Dropped In
edited July 2016 in MtGPQ General Discussion
Curious what kind of a Gid1 deck is used to beat Oblivion Sower, since it steals your creatures or burns them with massive burn spell.

Focus should be destroying Part the Waterveil support, but white doesn't have suport destruction. And unfotunately I don't have Hixus or Suporession Bonds to control them Island tokens.

Should I focus on my own token generation and use disable spell+Swift Reckoning combo in case the tokens are stolen ?


  • majincob
    majincob Posts: 732 Critical Contributor
    I used cheap 1 power creatures with creature pump supports so if they stole a creature it wouldn't hurt so bad. Felidar Cub is white's support destroying card. Smite the Monstrous obviously. Murder Investigation + Knightly Valor is a good combo in this deck except it doesn't give you a new token dude when they steal the first.
    I think the only rare I ran was Supression Bonds, but Gideon's Reproach could substitute in a pinch.
  • VladG0015
    VladG0015 Posts: 48
    Using the supports goes a long way to help you beat him. Since they fixed the bug it now properly applies the boost only when you controll your own creatures